2014-15 CHS Fellowships


We are pleased to announce the fellows for the 2014-15 academic year.

2014-15 CHS and DAI Joint Fellows in Hellenic Studies

Eric Kansa (USA) University of California, Berkeley
Data Sharing as Publication in Classical Archaeology
Stéphanie Paul (Belgium) University of Liège
Greek Pantheons in Motion: Re-evaluating the Concept of the “Patron Deity”

2014-15 CHS Fellows in Hellenic Studies

Fall Semester

Gianluca Casa (Italy) Liceo Classico Foresi, Elba Island
A Matter of Choice: Facing Risk in the Ptolemaic Economy
Stefan Feuser (Germany) University of Rostock
The Urbanism of Port Cities in the Eastern Mediterranean from Hellenistic to Roman Imperial Times
Georgia Flouda (Greece) Heraklion Archaeological Museum
The Materialization of Burial Ideology in the Minoan Communities of Apesokari and Porti in the Mesara/Crete
Ryan Fowler (USA) Franklin and Marshall College
Atechnoi: Rumor and Silence in the Cappadocian Fathers (collaborative project)
Elizabeth Potter (UK) Oxford University
Rhetoric, Performance and Emotion in the Greco-Roman World
Alberto Quiroga-Puertas (Spain) University of Granada
Atechnoi: Rumor and Silence in the Cappadocian Fathers (collaborative project)
Carlo Vessella (Italy) Sapienza – University of Rome
Sophisticated Speakers: Greek Pronounciation and Greek Identity in the Roman Empire

Spring Semester

Seemee Ali (USA) Carthage College
The Reconciliation of Hera and Thetis in the Iliad
Kate Birney (USA) Wesleyan University
Alexander’s Ashkelon? Ashkelon/Ascalon During the Hellenistic Period
Christy Constantakopoulou (Greece) Birkbeck College
The Social Dynamics of Dedication: The Delian Inventories of the Third and Second Centuries
Madalina Dana (France) University Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne
Greek Letters on Lead and Ostraka: Edition and Commentary
Ermelinda Di Lascio (Italy) Durham University
Ancient Treatments of and Approaches to Fallacies and Sophisms
Sebastiana Nervegna (Italy/Canada) University of Sydney
Re-performing Classics: The Tragic Repertoire of Ancient Actors
Zacharoula Petraki (Greece) Open University of Cyprus, University of Crete
The Representational Arts as Metaphors for Philosophical Speech in Plato’s Middle and Late Dialogues
Maria G. Xanthou (Greece) Open University of Cyprus, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Fear, Awe, Anger and Good Will: The Social and Cultural Construction of Fear (φόβος), Awe (δέος) and Anger (ὀργή) as Emotions in the Fifth and Fourth Century B.C.E. Political Scene