Black Classicists
A Mural Mosaic
This installation celebrates the important role of African Americans in the field of Classics and provides an opportunity to reflect upon the purpose of higher education and its place in the struggle for equality and human enrichment.

The Pillars of Herakles
Mosaics by Hildreth Meiére
This work features three panels: a center panel depicting Herakles’ passage through the Strait of Gibraltar, and two side panels featuring the Pillars of Herakles.

Chisel and Memory
The contribution of marble craftsmanship to the restoration of monuments
This exhibition, curated by the Acropolis Restoration Service (YSMA) and presented under the auspices of the Embassy of Greece in the United States, celebrates the contributions of marble craftsmanship to the restoration of the Acropolis monuments. It features a selection of prints from the archive of the Acropolis Restoration Service, which includes over 300,000 objects.