Labored in Papyrus Leaves: Perspectives on an Epigram Collection Attributed to Posidippus… Benjamin Acosta-Hughes Elizabeth Kosmetatou Manuel Baumbach 545 14
ὀπάων and ὀπάζω: A Study in the Epic Treatment of Heroic Relationships Ellen Bradshaw Aitken 1,720 22
Homer’s Thebes: Epic Rivalries and the Appropriation of Mythical Pasts Elton Barker Joel P. Christensen 864 65
Genos Dikanikon: Amateur and Professional Speech in the Courtrooms of Classical Athens Victor Bers 1,409 7
Homer’s Versicolored Fabric: The Evocative Power of Ancient Greek Epic Word-Making Anna Bonifazi 590 40
Particles in Ancient Greek Discourse: Exploring Particle Use across Genres Anna Bonifazi Annemieke Drummen Mark de Kreij 901 49
Greek Literature in Late Antiquity: Dynamism, Didacticism, Classicism Edited by Scott Fitzgerald Johnson 1,858 80
Choruses of Young Women in Ancient Greece: Their Morphology, Religious Roles, and… Claude Calame 426 11
Poetic and Performative Memory in Ancient Greece: Heroic Reference and Ritual Gestures… Claude Calame 1,742 32
Practitioners of the Divine: Greek Priests and Religious Officials from Homer to… Beate Dignas Kai Trampedach 1,094 68
Donum natalicium digitaliter confectum Gregorio Nagy septuagenario a discipulis collegis familiaribus oblatum David Elmer Douglas Frame Leonard Muellner Victor Bers 825 97
Michael Psellos. On Symeon the Metaphrast and On the Miracle at Blachernae:… Elizabeth A. Fisher 628 80
TA-U-RO-QO-RO: Studies in Mycenaean Texts, Language and Culture in Honor of José… Carlos Varias García Julián Méndez Dosuna Thomas G. Palaima 233 48
The Epic Rhapsode and His Craft: Homeric Performance in a Diachronic Perspective José M. González 446 5
The Master of Signs: Signs and the Interpretation of Signs in Herodotus’… Alexander Hollmann 1,380 38
The Theology of Arithmetic: Number Symbolism in Platonism and Early Christianity Joel Kalvesmaki 1,653 96
Criteria of Truth: Representations of Truth and Falsehood in Hellenistic Poetry Kathleen Kidder 922 4
Helots and The Masters in Laconia and Messenia: Histories, Ideologies, Structures Nino Luraghi Susan E. Alcock 382 75
Phraseologie und indogermanische Dichtersprache in der Sprache der griechischen Chorlyrik: Pindar und… Laura Massetti 475 35
A Monument More Lasting than Bronze: Classics in the University of Malawi,… Paul McKechnie Samson Kambalu Steve Nyamilandu 1,286 21
Plato’s Rhapsody and Homer’s Music: The Poetics of the Panathenaic Festival in… Gregory Nagy 1,341 58
Plato’s Symposium: Issues in Interpretation and Reception Debra Nails Frisbee Sheffield James Lesher 1,773 85
Euripides’ Ino: Commentary, Reconstruction, Text, and Translation Smaro Nikolaidou-Arampatzi 1,609 79
Christianity and Hellenism in the Fifth-Century Greek East: Theodoret’s Apologetics against the… Yannis Papadogiannakis 1,237 32
Poetry as Initiation: The Center for Hellenic Studies Symposium on the Derveni… Ioanna Papadopoulou Leonard Muellner 1,277 51
Greek Language, Italian Landscape: Griko and the Re-storying of a Linguistic Minority Manuela Pellegrino 694 64
Lovers of the Soul, Lovers of the Body: Philosophical and Religious Perspectives… Ilaria L. E. Ramelli Svetla Slaveva-Griffin 1,754 31
La isla de los antípodas – Tradición clásica y poetas cubanos contemporáneos:… Jorge Luis Pérez Reyes 320 13
Loving Humanity, Learning, and Being Honored: The Foundations of Leadership in Xenophon’s… Norman B. Sandridge 1,756 48
Old Norse Mythology—Comparative Perspectives Jens Peter Schjødt Pernille Hermann Stephen A. Mitchell 1,128 97
Imagined Geographies in the Mediterranean, Middle East, and Beyond Angus Stewart Anna Stavrakopoulou Dimitri Kastritsis 594 80
Demetrios of Scepsis and His Troikos Diakosmos: Ancient and Modern Readings of… Alexandra Trachsel 334 47
Greek Media Discourse from Reconstitution of Democracy to Memorandums of Understanding: Transformations… Nikoletta Tsitsanoudis-Mallidis 278 58
Embroidered with Gold, Strung with Pearls: The Traditional Ballads of Bosnian Women Aida Vidan 723 18