CHS Visiting Fellow | Deborah Beck, University of Texas at Austin

Profile Photo for Faculty, Staff, or Graduate StudentFrom November 14- December 12, Dr. Deborah Beck will be staying at the CHS and using the library as a visiting fellow. Dr. Beck is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Classics at the University of Texas at Austin. While at the CHS, she will be working on a piece of a larger study on how formulas help to tell the stories of the Iliad and the Odyssey, entitled “Emotional and Thematic Meanings of Homeric Formulas: A Case Study”. In addition to formulas and oral aesthetics in early Greek poetry, her research interests include cognitive theories of reading and image processing, especially in relation to epic similes, and speech representation in Homeric epic. She has authored two books related to Homeric studies: Speech Presentation in the Homeric Epics (University of Texas Press, 2012), which has a companion database, and Homeric Conversation (Harvard University Press, 2005 [Hellenic Studies 14]).