Women & Property in Ancient Near Eastern & Mediterranean Societies: Contributors


Annalisa Azzoni is assistant professor of Hebrew Bible at Vanderbilt University. Her main field of research is in Aramaic texts andlanguage. She is currently preparing for publication a book entitled The Private Life of Women in Persian Egypt.

Betsy Bryan is Alexander Badawy Professor of Egyptian Art and Archaeology at the Johns Hopkins University. She has published widely on the history and art of the New Kingdom.She currently directs a field project at the Temple of Mut in Luxor, Egypt.

Cheryl Cox is Associate Professor of Classics at the University of Memphis. Her research interest is inthe social history of ancient Greece. She is the author of Household interests : Property, Marriage Strategies, and Family Dynamics in Ancient Athens (1998).

Sophie Démare-Lafont is Directeur d’études in Droit comparé dans les sociétés du Proche-Orientancien at the École Pratique des Hautes Études. Her research focuses oncuneiform law.  She is the authorof Femmes, Droit et Justice dans l’antiquite orientale (1999).

Lin Foxhall is professorof Greek Archaeology and History, and Director of Studies for Ancient History at the University of Leicester. She has published extensively on gender in classical antiquity, as well as on agriculture and the ancient economy. She is presently working on a new book, Studying Gender in Classical Antiquity (CUP).

Diane Harris-Cline has taught archaeology at California State University Fresno and the University of Cincinnati. She is the author of The Treasures of the Parthenon and Erechtheion(1995).

Stephen Hodkinson isprofessor of Ancient History at the University of Nottingham. His research interests are in Greek social, economic, and political history, with a specialfocus on Sparta. Among his recent publications is Property and Wealth in Classical Sparta (2000).

Susan Langdon is associate professor of Greek Art and Archaeology at the University of Missouri. She specializes in Geometric art and the material culture of early Greece, with a particular interest in gender and society. She has recentlycompleted a book on art and social ritual, Ages and Days: Art and Identity in Geometric Greece.

Stefan Link is Professor of Ancient History at the University of Paderborn. His research interests include Greek Law and history of gender. He is at present preparing a monograph entitled Sparta im Schatten der homerischen Epen.

Deborah Lyons is assistant professor of Classics at Miami University. Her research interests include ancient Greek religion and gender in antiquity. She is at present  preparing a book on women and gift exchange in ancient Greek culture.

Stefania Mazzoni is professor of archaeology and art of the ancient Near East in the Dipartimento di scienze storiche del mondoantico of the University of Pisa. She has published extensively on the excavations from Tell Afis in Syria. Her most recent book, with S.M. Cecchini is Tell Afis (Siria). Scavisull’acropoli 1988-1992. The 1998-1992 Excavations on the Acropolis (1998).

Naomi Steinberg is associate professor of religious studies at DePaul University.  Her fields of interest include Hebrew Bible and women incross-cultural prespective.  She is the author of Kinship and Marriage in Genesis: A Household EconomicsPerspective (1993).

Hans van Wees is Reader in Ancient History at University College, London. His main areas of  interest are the social and economic history of early Greece, archaic andclassical Greek warfare, and the use of iconographical and comparative evidencein the study of the ancient Greek world. His most recent book is Greek Warfare: Myths and Realities(2004).

Raymond Westbrook is professor of ancient law at the Johns Hopkins University. His research focuses on ancient Near Eastern law and its connections with early Greek and Roman law.He is the editor of A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law (2003).

Cornelia Wunsch is research associate in the Department of the Languages and Cultures of Near and Middle East  of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.  Her areas of research are Neo- and Late Babylonian documents and the Egibi archives. She is the author of Urkunden zum Ehe-, Vermoegens- und Erbrecht aus verschiedenen neubabylonischen Archiven (2003).