Reading Greek Tragedy Online
Season 2, Episode 2
On Wednesday, March 31 at 3:00-4:30pm EDT, join us for a live reading and discussion of Euripides’ Helen, hosted by Joel Christensen (Brandeis University) with guest speaker Lyndsay Coo (University of Bristol) and special guests Pria Jackson (Princeton University) and Ria Modak (Harvard University). Watch the live-stream on the Center for Hellenic Studies YouTube Channel.
The reading offers a chance to reflect on one year of Reading Greek Tragedy Online and return to the first play that started the series. This special episode features a new translation by Diane Rayor and is directed by Tabatha Gayle. Featured actors include Hannah Barrie, Zack Dictakis, Evelyn Miller, Richard Neale, Paul O’Mahony, Eunice Roberts, and Rene Thornton.