Funke, Peter, and Nino Luraghi, eds. 2009. The Politics of Ethnicity and the Crisis of the Peloponnesian League. Hellenic Studies Series 32. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies.
Klaus Freitag is Professor of Ancient History at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule in Aachen. The history of the Gulf of Corinth is one of his main areas of specialization, to which he devoted the book Der Golf von Korinth. Historisch-topographische Untersuchungen von der Archaik bis in das 1. Jh. v. Chr. (Munich 2000).
Peter Funke is Professor of Ancient History at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Munster. He has published broadly on various aspects of Greek history and epigraphy. Most relevant for the themes of the present volume is his book Homónoia und Arché. Athen und die griechische Staatenwelt vom Ende des Peloponnesischen Krieges bis zum Königsfrieden (404/3–387/6 v. Chr.) (Stuttgart 1980).
Maurizio Giangiulio is Professor of Greek History at the University of Trento. A specialist of archaic Greek history and culture and of the history and archaeology of Magna Graecia, he has published many articles especially on the foundation and early history of various Greek colonies, and the book Ricerche su Crotone arcaica (Pisa 1989).
Nino Luraghi is Professor of Classics at Princeton University. He has worked mainly on Greek historiography and on tyranny in archaic Greece. His book The Ancient Messenians: Constructions of Ethnicity and Memory was published in 2008.
Catherine Morgan is the Director of the British School at Athens. She specializes in the archaeology and history of archaic Greece and is the author of Athletes and Oracles: The Transformation of Olympia and Delphi in the Eighth Century BC (Cambridge 1990) and Early Greek States beyond the Polis (London 2003), and the co-editor, with S. Hornblower, of Pindar’s Poetry, Patrons, and Festivals: From Archaic Greece to the Roman Empire (Oxford 2007).
Robert Parker is Wykeham Professor of Ancient History in the University of Oxford. He has written Miasma: Pollution and Pollution in Early Greek Religion (Oxford, 1983); Athenian Religion: A History (Oxford 1996); and Polytheism and Society at Athens (Oxford 2005),
Maria Pretzler is Lecturer in Ancient History at Swansea University (Wales, UK). Her research in Arcadia started when she was an undergraduate in Graz (Austria) in the early 1990’s. In 1999 she completed a DPhil on Pausanias’ Arcadia at Oxford, and she has since published a number of articles on Peloponnesian subjects, as well as a monograph Pausanias: Travel Writing in Ancient Greece (2007).
Eric Robinson is Associate Professor of Ancient History at the Indiana University at Bloomington. A specialist of ancient democracy, he published The First Democracies: Early Popular Government outside Athens (Stuttgart 1997). His book on Greek democracies outside Athens during the Classical Age is forthcoming from Cambridge University Press.
After studies in Edinburgh and Cambridge, Jim Roy taught ancient history in the universities of Sheffield and Nottingham until his retirement in 2004. He has published on various aspects of Greek history, especially concerning Arcadia and Elis, and continues to do so as an Honorary Research Associate of the University of Nottingham.
Claudia Ruggeri graduated in classics from the Catholic University in Milan and continued her studies in Greek history and epigraphy at the University of Vienna, specializing in the history of Elis. Her book Gli stati intorno a. Olimpia. Storia e costituzione dell’Elide e degli stati formati dai perieci elei (400–362 a.C.) appeared in 2004. Since 2004 she has taken part in the project “The Kerameikos and the north-western part of the city of Athens,” funded by the Austrian National Research Fund at the Department of Ancient History of the University of Vienna.
Christoph Ulf is Professor of Ancient History at the Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck. A specialist of early Greek social and cultural history, he is the author of Die homerische Gesellschaft. Materialien zur analytischen Beschreibung und historischen Lokalisierung (Munich 1990), the editor of Wege zur Genese griechischer Identität. Die Bedeutung der früharchaischen Zeit (Berlin 1997), and the co-editor (with R. Rollinger) of Griechische Archaik. Interne Entwicklungen—Externe Impulse (Berlin 2004).