Alternative writing materials are also attested among the Hittites: there are various references to scribes writing on wooden boards, rather than on clay. Interesting in regard to the idea that the diphtherāphóros is the ‘bearer of parchment’ on ceremonial occasions (which must be right) is the presence of Hittite scribes called LÚMEŠ DUB.SAR.GIŠ ‘scribes on wood’ in an enthronement festival described in KUB X 45 rev. III. The text states that these scribes GIŠ.ḪUR ḫarkanzi ‘hold a wooden tablet’. Apparently they “bear” a (relatively light) wooden tablet in the celebration of this festival in order to be able to refer to the rituals detailed in the tablet text as the need arises. Pylos tablet Fn 50 appears to record consignments of grain made in the context of a religious festival – one of the recipients being a diphtherāphóros. On Un 219 (on which diphtherāphóros appears again) one of the individuals listed is named e-ke-ra2-wo, who appears be a wanax ‘king’: see T. Palaima, 2002, “Special vs. Normal Mycenaean: Hand 24 and Writing in the Service of the King?,” in J. Bennet and J. Driessen 2002, A-na-qo-ta: Studies Presented to J. T. Killen, Salamanca, pp. 205–221. There is interesting discussion of the Hittite wooden-tablet scribes in D. Symington, 1991, “Late Bronze Age Writing-Boards and their Uses,” Anatolian Studies 41:111–123.