Apply Now | Course Planning Seminars 2015

common-day-session-2013Summer Seminars 2015

Latin Literature from the Neronian Period

Dates: June 6-9, 2015
Consultant: James Ker (University of Pennsylvania)

Greek Literature from the 4th Century BCE

Dates: June 11-14, 2015
Consultant: Hakan Tell (Dartmouth College)


Every June the Sunoikisis faculty gather at the Center for Hellenic Studies (CHS) in Washington, D.C.* to develop the upcoming fall semester courses. They hold two 4-day planning seminars, one for the Greek course and another for the Latin course, in order to develop the course syllabi. For the first time, the 2015 courses will emphasize team-teaching. Whenever possible, two or more faculty will collaborate to design each week’s common session topic, reading assignments, and writing prompt. Throughout the planning seminars, faculty will be working with their common session partners to finalize their sections of the course syllabi.

The faculty also invite an expert in the subject area to participate in the seminars and to inform the reading of primary source materials.

Additionally, the course planning seminars provide an opportunity for faculty development. Dr. Ryan C. Fowler describes the experience:

As a participant in the program for three years, I received a number of Faculty Development grants from my home institution to attend Sunoikisis planning seminars; these programs truly focus on our development as faculty members. As a cooperating group, we look to each other as resources for invited lectures, professional support, and research collaboration. I really cannot do justice to the importance of our conversations during the shared coffee breaks and meals, in which we have the chance to continue our discussions about the previous planning session, our own work, and the state of the discipline. In addition, these seminars provide a remarkable opportunity to discuss primary texts with colleagues and, in many cases, former professors—turned colleagues—during the sessions themselves.

*The CHS will provide housing and board. Participants or their sponsoring institutions will be responsible for the costs of travel to and from the CHS. All participants will receive a stipend of $500.


The application deadline is March 1, 2015.

To find out more information about the seminars and to apply, please visit the seminar webpage.