Athens and Marathon: Travel-study, Leg 3

Safdar Mandviwala, a member of the Hour 25 community, had the opportunity to travel to Greece along with the Harvard Alumni Association’s travel-study program led by Gregory Nagy. In a recent Hour 25 posting, Safdar Mandviwala shares insights about their time in Athens and Marathon, which was also the last leg of the travel-study program.

It was at the farewell dinner that night that we all realized how attached we had become to one another. Over yet another delicious meal the study-group discussed the highlights of the trip, savoring the flavors and the fresh memories of Greece. Next morning we would each go our separate ways, but with a common understanding of ancient Greek history, culture, language, and mythology through the unique lens of this travel-study.

Parian marble statuettes of the harper of Keros from the early Cycladic Period (2800–2300 BCE)

Here you can find information about the first two legs of the program, shared by Janet M. Ozsolak:

Originally from Pakistan, Safdar Mandviwala lives in Dubai. He has over 20 years of experience in the banking industry.  He is now in search of a new identity. He first joined the fourth session of HeroesX, after which he traveled with Professor Nagy who led the travel-study program to Greece in June 2016.  With his new-found passion for ancient Greek literature, he plans to learn and participate on the Hour 25 Forums as much as possible.

Image credit: Safdar Mandviwala