
Bibliographical Abbreviations

ABV = Beazley, J. 1956. Attic Black-Figure Vase Painters. Oxford.
BA = Nagy, G. 1999. The Best of the Achaeans: Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry. Rev. ed. with new intro. Baltimore (available online).
DELG = Chantraine, P. 2009. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque: histoire des mots. Ed. J. Taillardat, O. Masson, and J.-L. Perpillou. With a supplement Chroniques d’étymologie grecque 1–10. Ed. A. Blanc, Ch. de Lamberterie, and Jean-Louis Perpillou. Paris.
EH = Nagy, G. 2006. “The Epic Hero.” Expanded version of “The Epic Hero.” A Companion to Ancient Epic (ed. J. M. Foley) 71–89. Oxford, 2005 (available online).
FGH = Jacoby, F. 1923–58. Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker. 3 vols. Berlin.
GM = Nagy, G. 1990b. Greek Mythology and Poetics. Ithaca, NY (available online).
H24H = Nagy, G. 2013. The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours. Cambridge, MA.
HC = Nagy, G. 2009. Homer the Classic. Hellenic Studies 36. Cambridge, MA and Washington, DC (available online).
HPC = Nagy, G. 2010. Homer the Preclassic. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA (available online).
HQ = Nagy, G. 1996b. Homeric Questions. Austin, TX (available online).
HR = Nagy, G. 2003. Homeric Responses. Austin, TX.
HTL = Nagy, G. 2004a. Homer’s Text and Language. Urbana and Chicago.
IG = Deutsche akademie der Wissenschaften. 1873–. Inscriptiones Graecae. Berlin.
LSJ = Liddell, H. G., R. Scott, and H. S. Jones. 1940. A Greek-English Lexicon. 9th ed. Oxford.
MW = Fragmenta Hesiodea. Ed. R. Merkelbach and M. West. 1967. Oxford.
PH = Nagy, G. 1990a. Pindar’s Homer: The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past. Baltimore (available online).
PMG = Page, D. L. 1962. Poetae Melici Graeci. Oxford.
PP = Nagy, G. 1996a. Poetry as Performance: Homer and Beyond. Cambridge (available online).
PR = Nagy, G. 2002. Plato’s Rhapsody and Homer’s Music: The Poetics of the Panathenaic Festival in Classical Athens. Cambridge, MA and Athens (available online).
SEG = Gieben, J. C., et al. 1923–. Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. Amsterdam.

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