Call for Contributions | # After Lockdown

Very Short Stories about Enduring a Global Pandemic

The Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece (CHS Greece) invites you to share a short recording (less than 2:30 minutes in length) in which you will recount your experience undergoing the peculiar circumstances that the pandemic has imposed on you. Join your voice and share your story with the Harvard community and beyond!

CHS Greece joins the Tunisia Office of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University in collecting oral testimonials from around the world about how it looks, sounds and feels to be living and coping through the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. Selected stories will be assembled into a curated podcast and premiered as part of an online event organized under the aegis of Harvard University’s Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs to celebrate Harvard’s tight connections with the world at a time when borders between countries have become more difficult to cross than they were in the past. This digital event will be featured on different digital Harvard platforms in October 2020.

You can submit your recording until July 27, 2020, Midnight Eastern Time.

To learn more about # After Lockdown and how to participate visit: