
Νέα ΚΕΣ | Εργαστήριο Πυροδότησης Θεατρικής Γραφής του ΚΕΣ Harvard, 2017–2018

"Το μείζον, ωστόσο, είναι οι ίδιες οι παραγόμενες γραφές. Από σήμερα αυτές οι γραφές παραδίδονται στην δημοσιότητα και στον χρόνο (τους τελικούς κριτές της κάθε γραφής και της κάθε πνευματικής προσπάθειας)." Read more

CHS-AUTH 2017-2018 Fellows | Maria Chriti

"However, I was even more fortunate as a post-doctorate applicant of the Center for Hellenic Studies, in its first official collaboration with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, when my research proposal on “Aristotle as a name-giver from a cognitive linguistic aspect” was embraced by the CHS a little more than a year ago." Read more

CHS-AUTH 2017-2018 Fellows | Maria Chriti

"However, I was even more fortunate as a post-doctorate applicant of the Center for Hellenic Studies, in its first official collaboration with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, when my research proposal on “Aristotle as a name-giver from a cognitive linguistic aspect” was embraced by the CHS a little more than a year ago." Read more

Kosmos Society Book Club | Argonautica, Books 1 & 2

“Beginning with thee, O Phoebus, I will recount the famous deeds of men of old, who, at the behest of King Pelias, down through the mouth of Pontus and between the Cyanean rocks, sped well-benched Argo in quest of the golden fleece.” In July and August CHS community members will be reading the complete Argonautica by Apollonius of Rhodes. Read more