“Mixed Aorists” in Homeric Greek

“The Homeric poems provide some of the easiest reading in Greek literature, as well as some of the most rewarding, and so we are introduced to them at an early stage in our study of the language. But when we learn more, we discover that Homeric Greek is not so… Read more

Homeric Responses

The Homeric Iliad and Odyssey are among the world’s foremost epics. Yet, millennia after their composition, basic questions remain about them. Who was Homer—a real or an ideal poet? When were the poems composed—at a single point in time, or over centuries of composition and performance? And how were the poems committed to writing?… Read more

The Many and Conflicting Meanings of ????????

The Many and Conflicting Meanings of Σοφιστής Most modern treatments of the sophists assert that there existed in fifth- and fourth-century Greece a distinct group of individuals called sophists (σοφισταί). [1] Such studies often mention in passing that the term had an earlier, less pejorative undertone, but that by the end… Read more