González, José M. 2013. The Epic Rhapsode and His Craft: Homeric Performance in a Diachronic Perspective. Hellenic Studies Series 47. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ebook:CHS_GonzalezJ.The_Epic_Rhapsode_and_his_Craft.2013.
4. The Euboian Connection
4.1 The Cultural Argument
4.2 The Linguistic Argument
4.2.1 The third CL
4.2.2 Dating the second CL
4.2.3 Dipylon oinokhoē
2. EiːEi → EiEiː
3. /Vi / + /Vi / → /Viː/
4. [aː] → [æː]
5. [æː] → [ɛː]/___Cæː
6. QM
7. /e/ + /æː/ → /æː/, /e/ + /ɛː/ → /ɛː/
9. /e/ + ⎡/o/, /oː/ ⎤ →⎡ /oː/ ⎤, /e/ + ⎡ /a/ ⎤→ /æː/
⎣ /ɔː/ ⎦ ⎣ /ɔː/ ⎦ ⎣ /aː/ ⎦
10. w → ø/V___V
11. EiːEi → EiEiː (reordered) [88]
12. /Vi / + /Vi / → /Viː / (reordered)
13. QM (reordered)
14. [æː] → [aː]/{i, e}___
15. Contraction of EiEj (Ei ≠ e)
17. Shortening of long diphthong, Eː → E/___yyVː, after 10 but no longer after 15
18. Osthoff, still after 9 but no longer after 12
4.2.4 Syllabification of -nw- clusters