González, José M. 2013. The Epic Rhapsode and His Craft: Homeric Performance in a Diachronic Perspective. Hellenic Studies Series 47. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ebook:CHS_GonzalezJ.The_Epic_Rhapsode_and_his_Craft.2013.
5. Archaic Inscriptions before 650 BC
5.1 The Inscription from Cumae
5.1.1 hisa
5.1.2 Missing iotas?
5.1.3 tinnuna
5.1.4 The alleged meaning
5.2 Nestor’s Cup (CEG no. 454)
hὸς δ’ ἂν το̄δε πίεσι : ποτερί[ο] : αὐτίκα κε̄νον |
hίμερος hαιρέσει : καλλιστε̣[φά]ν̣ο : Ἀφροδίτες
5.2.1 δ’ ἄν versus δέ κε
5.2.2 κεῖνος versus ἐκεῖνος
5.2.3 καλλιστεφανο Aφροδιτες
5.2.4 An eighth-century bookhand?