In writing this monograph and preparing it for publication, I received invaluable help from many people. First I would like to thank Professors John Finley, Albert Lord, and Calvert Watkins. I owe them a debt as teachers, benefactors, and constructive critics which is deeply felt, and which my work, I fear, does little to repay. In addition I offer my gratitude for their intellectual and moral support to Deborah Boedeker, Sylvia Brown, Linda Clader, Douglas Frame, John Kirsch, Mary Ellen Lane, Alexis, Mireille, and Marko Muellner, Arthur Reider, Richard Sacks, Richard Shannon, Douglas Stewart, and David Wiesen. My typist, Phyllis Steinmetz, has managed a difficult manuscript with patience and accuracy. Without the generosity of the Departments of Classics at Harvard and Brandeis Universities, my work would never have appeared. I would like especially to thank Professors Glen Bowersock and Joachim Gaehde for their good offices in this regard. Finally I dedicate this work to Gregory Nagy, an inspiring teacher and extraordinary friend. I hope there is at least something in this work which answers to the gifts of time, mind, energy, and faith he has given. I alone am responsible for my prodigality of them.