Hippota Nestor

  Frame, Douglas. 2009. Hippota Nestor. Hellenic Studies Series 37. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ebook:CHS_Frame.Hippota_Nestor.2009.

Finding Aid for Cross-References

Part One: Nestor’s Indo-European Background

Chapter One: The Problem; §1.1–§1.12, nn1.1–1.26.
Chapter Two: Greek; §1.13–§1.41, nn1.27–1.116.
Chapter Three: Vedic; §1.42–§1.69, nn1.117–1.225.

Part Two: Nestor’s Homeric Role

Chapter Four: Iliad 11; §2.1–§2.18, nn2.1–2.26.
Chapter Five: Iliad 23; §2.19–§2.55, nn2.27–2.70.
Chapter Six: Odyssey 3 and Iliad 8; §2.56–§2.99, nn2.71–2.127.
Chapter Seven: Odyssey 11 and the Phaeacians; §2.100–§2.168, nn2.128–2.244.

Part Three: Athens

Chapter Eight: Arete and Nausicaa; §3.1–§3.38, nn3.1–3.79.
Chapter Nine: The City Goddess of Athens; §3.39–§3.91, nn3.80–3.288.

Part Four: Ionia

Chapter Ten: The Panionic League; §4.1–§4.19, nn4.1–4.92.
Chapter Eleven: The Festival of the Panionia and the Homeric Poems; §4.20–§4.71, nn4.93–4.239.

Part Five: Pylos

Chapter Twelve: Iliad 11 and the Location of Homeric Pylos; §5.1–§5.11, nn5.1–5.49.
Chapter Thirteen: The Homeric Hymn to Apollo and the Text of Iliad 11; §5.12–§5.38, nn5.50–5.135.
Chapter Fourteen: The Text of Iliad 11 in the Fifth Century BC; §5.39–§5.61, nn5.136–5.201.