
Part III: The Hellenization of Indo-European Social IdeologyChapter 11. Poetry and the Ideology of the Polis, pp. 269–275

Chapter 11. Poetry and the Ideology of the Polis: The Symbolism of Apportioning Meat Φιλόχορος δέ φησιν κρατήσαντας Λακεδαιμονίους Μεσσηνίων διὰ τὴν Τυρταίου στρατηγίαν ἐν ταῖς στρατείαις ἔθος ποιήσασθαι, ἂν δειπνοποιήσονται καὶ παιωνίσωσιν, ᾄδειν καθ’ ἕνα <τὰ> Τυρταίου· κρίνειν δὲ τὸν πολέμαρχον καὶ ἆθλον διδόναι… Read more

Bibliography, pp. 303–327

Bibliography Alexiou, M. 1974. The Ritual Lament in Greek Tradition. Cambridge. Alföldi, A. 1974. Die Struktur des voretruskischen Römerstaates. Heidelberg. Allen, T. W., ed. 1912. Homeri Operas (Hymns, Cycle, fragments, etc.). Oxford. ———. 1924. Read more


Greek Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches Foreword Gregory Nagy, General Editor [vii] Building on the foundations of scholarship within the disciplines of philology, philosophy, history, and archaeology, this series concerns not just the archaic and classical periods of Greek traditions but the whole continuum—along with all the… Read more


Acknowledgments [ix] I wish to thank the following people, who have inspired, aided, and encouraged me in this work: Leonard Muellner, who first suggested that I think about Briseis; Mary Ebbott, Gloria Ferrari, and Albert Henrichs, each of whom read several drafts and greatly improved the book… Read more


Abbreviations Addenda = Carpenter, T. H., T. Mannack, and M. Mendonca. Beazley Addenda: Additional References to ABV, ARV2 and Paralipomena. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989 AJA = American Journal of Archaeology ARV2 = Beazley, J. D. Attic Red-figure Vase-painters. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press,… Read more