
6. Homer as Script

Chapter 6 Homer as Script The Athenian Koine or “Vulgate” version of Homer, even if it were to have no claim to be the original Homer any more than the text established by Aristarchus, represents a crucial era in the history of Homeric performance traditions. Read more

7. Homer as “Scripture”

Chapter 7 Homer as “Scripture” Let us turn to the last of the five periods in the history of Homeric transmission, as formulated at the beginning of the fifth chapter. For the later Alexandrian scholars starting with Aristarchus, whom I put into period 5 of… Read more

Preface to the 2008 online edition

Preface to the 2008 online edition P§1. This online book, “born digital” in 2008, stems from an earlier printed book, Greek: A Survey of Recent Work, co-authored by my late teacher Fred W. Householder and myself. It was published in 1972 by Mouton in the Hague (… Read more


Introduction 0§1. This work is eclectic. It is neither a bibliographical survey nor an exhaustive chronicle of progress. The main purpose is simply to explore various trends in research on the Greek language. Part I deals with generalities, while Part II concentrates on various different levels of linguistic… Read more

Part I: Generalities

Part I: Generalities I§1. The heading etymology / vocabulary, just mentioned, is of and by itself an indication of recent trends in the study of Greek. I§2. I postpone the details until we reach that heading. ⊛I begin here by making a general statement about the study… Read more

Part II: Specifics

Part II: Specifics Phonology II§1. Despite the attestation of Greek as far back in time as the second millennium BCE, a chronological chasm remains between this language and the proto-language reconstructed as Indo-European. What I just said is most apparent on the phonological level. The necessity… Read more

Part III: Conclusions

Part III: Conclusions III§1. For an understanding of the Greek language as the complex and variegated system that it is, the surest approach remains simply the mastery of such synoptic and exhaustive treatments as have been surveyed. The texts needed for further analysis are generally accessible. For an… Read more