
Introduction. Homeric Anger

Introduction: Homeric Anger {1} Across the landscape of Homeric studies there are monuments that demonstrate how central anger is to whatever the early Greeks—audience and performers alike—imagined the Homeric narratives to be about. By our own various references to the powerful concept of anger, we seem to… Read more

Part I. Feuding Words1. The Prophet Defines

Chapter 1. The Prophet Defines Within the first hundred lines of the Iliad, the Achaean prophet, Calchas, presents a definition of anger (Il. 1.74-83). The immediate context is that Achilles has just called an assembly in response to the suffering of the Achaeans. So great is their… Read more

2. Forms and Formulae

Chapter Two. Forms and Formulae Kôtos in Its Noun Forms {32|33} The formal details concerning the noun kótos are straightforward. The substantive kótos is attested six times in the Iliad and the Odyssey, each time in the accusative case. [1] Each… Read more

3. Κότος and Social Status

Chapter 3. Κότος and Social Status {78|79} At the beginning of this study, I suggested that kótos was identified in Calchas’s definition both by the length of time that it lasts and by the social status of the angered party. We have seen that the use of… Read more

5. Anger’s Aggression: The Wrath of Feud

Chapter 5. Anger’s Aggression: The Wrath of Feud {96|97} I began this study with a close look at the terms of Calchas’s definition (Il . 1.80-83), especially because he uses three categories to define the two different kinds of anger, khólos and kótos. Those three categories were… Read more

7. The Beginning of Χόλος

Chapter 7. The Beginning of Χόλος {126|127} As we have seen, khólos comes to be identified by its endpoint, a feature that accords well with Calchas’s indication that it can be consumed “in a day” (autêmar, Il. 1.81). Can we also expect that it can be located… Read more

8. Fighting Words

Chapter 8. Fighting Words {140|141} In his definition, Calchas suggests that khólos, unlike kótos, can be brought under control. In this chapter, I will elaborate on the limitations of that control, by showing that certain kinds of speech may stimulate khólos, whereas for kótos that is an… Read more