
17. On the Antagonism of God and Hero

Chapter 17. On the Antagonism of God and Hero 17§1. Aside from the direct testimony of P.Oxy. 1800 and Aesop Vitae G+W 142 about a hero cult of Aesop, there is important indirect evidence for his actual function as cult hero. Again we turn to the parallelism… Read more

18. On the Stories of a Poet’s Life

Chapter 18. On the Stories of a Poet’s Life 18§1. In the preceding chapters, I have argued that the generic warrior/poet, as therápōn of Ares/Muses, is implicitly worthy of becoming a cult hero after death. This in fact is the explicit message, I now submit, of the… Read more

20. Achilles beyond the Iliad

Chapter 20. Achilles beyond the Iliad 20§1. Having just seen how the neîkos ‘quarrel’ between Hesiod and Perses (Works and Days 35) serves as the context for a grand definition of díkē by way of its opposition to húbris, [1] we return… Read more


Bibliography Adkins, A.W.H. 1960. Merit and Responsibility: A Study in Greek Values. Oxford. ———. 1969. “Threatening, Abusing, and Feeling Angry in the Homeric Poems.” Journal of Hellenic Studies 89: 7–21. Aitchison, J. M. 1964. “The Achaean Homeland: AXAIFIA… Read more