

Foreword   To Denis/MP sine quo non   Translator’s note Because Psellos valued good literary style and cultivated his own very carefully, I have tried to translate his prose into graceful English that exploits the rich resource of English vocabulary just as he… Read more

1. Introducing Michael Psellos

1. Introducing Michael Psellos, Author of Encomion of His Excellency Symeon the Metaphrast and Discourse on the Miracle That Occurred in the Blachernae Church 1.1. The reader of this slender volume will encounter a figure of immense intellectual stature. Michael Psellos (1018–after 1077) combined the roles of… Read more

4. The Theme, pp.69–98

Chapter 4. The Theme Formulas and groups of formulas, both large and small, serve only one purpose. They provide a means for telling a story in song and verse. The tale’s the thing. Anyone who reads through a collection of oral epic from any country is… Read more

8. The Odyssey, pp.158–185

Chapter 8. The Odyssey In reading the Odyssey or the Iliad we are at a distinct disadvantage because we are reading isolated texts in a tradition. The comparison with other traditions shows us very clearly that songs are not isolated entities, but that they must be understood… Read more

9. The Iliad, pp.186–197

Chapter 9. The Iliad The essential pattern of the Iliad is the same as that of the Odyssey; they are both the story of an absence that causes havoc to the beloved of the absentee and of his return to set matters aright. [1]… Read more