
Appendix I, pp.223–234

Appendix I. Comparison of Texts of “Bećiragić Meho” by Two Different Singers Parry 12468 and 12471 Invocation. Mumin Vlahovljak 1–16, Avdo Međedović 1–30 1. The scene of the assembly: description of assembly Mumin (17–36) Thirty men of the Border were drinking wine at… Read more

Appendix II, pp.235–241

Appendix II. Comparison of Four Versions of “Marko and Nina” by Petar Vidić Parry 6 Parry 804 Parry 805 Parry 846 Marko is drinking wine with his mother, his wife, and his sister (1-4). Marko… Read more

Appendix III, pp.242–259

Appendix III. Return Songs A. Parry 6818, by Alibeg Begović in Bijelo Polje B. Parry 12417, by Šaćir Dupljak in Bijelo Polje C. Parry 6229, by Avdo Avdić in Gacko D. Parry 6580, by Murat Čustović in Gacko E. Parry 1905, by Franje… Read more

Appendix IV, pp.260–265

Appendix IV. Return-Rescue Songs A. Parry 1921 and 1940, by Murat Žunić in Bihać B. Parry 6431, by Mujo Velić in Bihać C. Parry 897, by Hajdar Habul in Gacko D. Parry 923, by Suljo Tunović in Gacko E. Parry 275a, by Hajdar… Read more

Part V. Hour 24. The Hero as savior

Hour 24. The Hero as savior The meaning of sōzein and sōtēr 24§1. The key word for this hour is the verb sōzein, meaning ‘save (someone)’. Derived from this verb is the noun sōtēr, which means ‘savior’ in the sense of ‘one who brings (someone) back to safety’ or, mystically,… Read more

Core Vocabulary of Key Greek Words

Core Vocabulary of Key Greek Words Depending on context, adjectives in -os (masculine), may be given with other endings: -ē (feminine), -on (neuter), -oi (masculine plural), -ai (feminine plural), -a (neuter plural). agathos ‘good, noble’ agōn, plural agōnes ‘coming together; competition (antagonism); ordeal (agony). agorā, plural agorai ‘public assembly, place… Read more