
I. Introduction

Chapter I. Introduction [In this on-line version, the page-numbers of the printed version are indicated within braces (“{” and “}”). For example, “{69|70}” indicates where p. 69 of the printed version ends and p. 70 begins. These indications will be useful to readers who need to look… Read more

II. εὔχομαι in sacral contexts

Chapter II. εὔχομαι in Sacral Contexts Analytic Table of Contents A. Formulas which conclude prayers (pp. 18–31)          1. Introduction; formulas (A) and (B) (pp. 18–26)          2. Formula (A) and the meaning of εὔχομαι (pp. 26–31)B. Read more

III. εὔχομαι in secular contexts

Chapter 3. εὔχομαι in secular contexts Analytic Table of Contents A. γένος εὔχομαι εἶναι and its transformations (pp. 69–78)       Classified list of attestations (p. 69):          I: γένος εὔχομαι εἶναι          II: γένος εὔχομαι   … Read more

IV. εὔχομαι in a legal context

Chapter 4. εὔχομαι in a legal context Σ 497 λαοὶ δ’ εἰν ἀγορῇ ἔσαν ἀθρόοι· ἔνθα δὲ νεῖκος           ὠρώρει, δύο δ’ ἄνδρες ἐνείκεον εἵνεκα ποινῆς          ἀνδρὸς ἀποφθιμένου· ὃ μὲν εὔχετο πάντ’ ἀποδοῦναι500… Read more