

Bibliography Abbreviations AJP = American Journal of Philology HSCP = Harvard Studies in Classical Philology PMLA = Publications of the Modern Language Association Prilozi = Prilozi za književnost, jesik, istoriju i folklor … Read more


Acknowledgement In writing this monograph and preparing it for publication, I received invaluable help from many people. First I would like to thank Professors John Finley, Albert Lord, and Calvert Watkins. I owe them a debt as teachers, benefactors, and constructive critics which is deeply felt, and… Read more

Table of symbols and formulas

Table of Symbols and Formulas Symbols: ⧣: beginning or end of a poetic line‖: masculine or feminine caesura, or, alternatively, = is parallel to|: bucolic diaeresisH‖: hephthemimeral caesura*: (beside Homeric line citation, e.g. *Z 240) the phraseology of the line is anomalous in… Read more

8. Rebuttal

8. Rebuttal* Oralitas, sicut Gallia, est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt philosophi, aliam qui recitatores spectant, sicut scripsit Juvenalis in satira prima, tertiam philologi, qui textūs spectant et explicant. In the years since The Singer of… Read more

10. The Transitional Text

10. The Transitional Text One of the important differences between an oral traditional singer and a nontraditional one is the fact that the traditional singer does not think in terms of a fixed textuality, whereas the nontraditional singer does. If a traditional singer in the course of… Read more


Bibliography Alexander, Ronelle. 1995. “The Tension of Essences in South Slavic Epic.” In O Rus! Studia Letteraria Slavica in Honorem Hugh McLean, ed. Simon Karlinsky et al. Berkeley: Berkeley Slavic Specialities. ———. Forthcoming. “The Tension of Essences: The Thematic Structure of Banović… Read more


Acknowledgments I would first like to express my gratitude to my first teachers of Greek, Leonard Muellner and Mark Davies, without whom, perhaps, none of this would have happened. I am grateful to many people for advice and encouragement throughout the research and writing of this… Read more

Introduction: A Simple Prayer

Introduction: A Simple Prayer The Complexity of Sappho 1 υἱὲ Ταντάλου, σὲ δ’ ἀντία προτέρων φθέγξομαι Pindar, Olympian I Sappho’s Prayer to Aphrodite (Fragment 1 V. [1] ) holds a special place in Greek Literature. Read more

Chapter I: Previous Response

Chapter I: Previous Response The Critical Difference And it ends upNobody’s, there is nothing for any of usExcept that fearful vacillating around the centralQuestion that brings us closer,For better or for worse, for all this time. John Ashbery, Introduction … Read more