
Appendix 7. Harvest Songs

Appendix 7. Harvest Songs a) For the ancient evidence of harvest and other work-songs, cf. J. C. B. Petropoulos 1989.159-164, especially 162-163, to which add Simonides fr. 543.21-22 (PMG) (a βαυκάλημα), and Sappho fr. 102 (LP) (a loom-song?). b) Richardson 1986. 62, 67-68 notes a number… Read more

Appendix 8. The Avdemi Songs

Appendix 8. The Avdemi Songs In relation to the Avdemi songs it may not be entirely far-fetched to envisage even a ritual basis loosely comparable to the ancient Adonia, which were celebrated during the Dog Days. Detienne, [1] as supplemented by Winkler,… Read more

Table: Canicular Period

Canicular Period(Acute Phase: July 19-27) Conditions Description Ancient testimonia Modern equivalent data Astronomical Sirius rises on July 19, visible by day; mid-point of solar year; earth and sun in greatest proximity Hes. WD 582-588… Read more


Bibliography This list includes all works which are cited but not found in the Abbreviations. Alexiou, M. L. 1974. The ritual lament in Greek tradition. Cambridge. Argenti, Philip P., and Rose, H. J. 1949. The folk-lore of Chios, i. Cambridge. … Read more

1. Introduction

1. Introduction Toward the end of Alcman IP, the choir of maidens makes a strangely emphatic exclamation about the presence of Hagesichora. The identity of this figure is mysterious, and the significance of the passage is unclear: οὐ γὰρ ἁ κ[α]λλίσφυροςἉγησιχ[ό]ρ[α] πάρ’ αὐτεῖ,Ἀγιδοῖ …. αρμένει… Read more

2. σφυρόν in the Iliad

2. σφυρόν in the Iliad One way of approaching the importance of the epithet καλλίσφυρος is a consideration of the meaning and use of the noun σφυρόν which lies at its root. This noun is not particularly obscure in meaning, and yet it appears infrequently in Greek… Read more