
Works Cited

Works Cited Acosta-Hughes, B., Kosmetatou, E., and Baumbach, M., eds. 2004. Labored in Papyrus Leaves: Perspectives on an Epigram Collection Attributed to Posidippus (P.Mil.Vogl. VIII 309). Cambridge, MA. Ajootian, A. 1996. “Praxiteles.” In Palagia 1996:91–129. ———. 2007. “Praxiteles… Read more


In Memory of Hakapoua, Wes Mere, and Koha Hēdea Dōra Acknowledgments This book stems from a sense of lasting awe before the marvels of the natural world. It stems from walks in the woods, along the resounding sea, and through lushly planted gardens. It stems… Read more

Prologue: An Afternoon Walk

Prologue: An Afternoon Walk One fine afternoon in Athens, Cicero, together with his friends Marcus Piso and Titus Pomponius, his brother Quintus, and his first cousin Lucius Cicero, set off on foot through the imposing Dipylon Gate and beyond the city’s circuit wall. Their destination was the nearby Academy… Read more

Introduction: Seeds of Perfection

Introduction: Seeds of Perfection In the course of the so-called Heroic Age, the Greeks mustered a fleet of a thousand ships and sailed to Troy in order to retrieve the radiant Helen, wife of the Spartan king, as well as to avenge the Trojan prince’s breach of… Read more

Chapter 1. Homer’s Eutopolis

Chapter 1. Homer’s Eutopolis For ten long years after the fall of Troy, Odysseus endures one hardship after another as his ships are driven over the ominous, wine-dark sea, but his sufferings are not in vain. In the course of his wanderings, Odysseus sees many cities and… Read more

Chapter 2. Greece and the Garden

Chapter 2. Greece and the Garden It is at dawn, the time of new beginnings, that the Phaiakian ship, with Odysseus onboard, draws near to the island of Ithaka. There the spectacular harbor of Phorkys, enclosed by two lofty promontories sheltering it from perilous winds and waves,… Read more

Chapter 3. Rome and the Reinvention of Paradise

Chapter 3. Rome and the Reinvention of Paradise In 1848, earthworks on Rome’s Esquiline Hill fortuitously brought to light part of an elegant private house in what was once a fashionable neighborhood in the ancient city’s expansive greenbelt. The walls of a cryptoporticus, a long vaulted room… Read more