
Works Cited

Works Cited Abélès, M. 1983. Le lieu du politique. Paris. ———. 2003. “Revenir chez les Ochollo.” In Detienne 2003b:393–413. Ackerman, R. 1987. J. G. Frazer: His Life and Work. Cambridge. Allen, T. W., Halliday,… Read more


Acknowledgements Peter Funke and Nino Luraghi Most of the contributions collected in this book were first submitted as papers at the conference “Ethnizität als Argument. Der Untergang des Peloponnesischen Bundes,” held at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität of Münster (Germany) on November 14th–16th, 2003. The editors wish to… Read more


Abbreviations CEG = Hansen, P. A., ed. 1983. Carmina epigraphica Graeca saeculorum. VIII–Va.Chr. n. Berlin and New York. DGE = Schwyzer, E., ed. 1923. Dialectorum Graecarum exempla epigraphica potiora. Leipzig. FdD = 1909–. Fouilles de Delphes. Vol. III,… Read more

III. James Roy, Elis

III. Elis James Roy Background In the Dark Age there was limited settlement in northern and central Elis, grouped principally in the Peneios valley and the Alpheios valley. [1] Then between the Dark Age and the archaic period the communities… Read more

Image Credits

Image Credits Figure 1. Metropolitan Museum of Art, purchase, Joseph Pulitzer Bequest, 1953; acc. no. 53.11.4. Photo, all rights reserved, The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Figure 2. Musée du Louvre, acc. no. G 104. Photo, Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Art Resource, NY. Figure 3. Copenhagen,… Read more


For my uncle, Harry Kagan Acknowledgments I have presented parts of this book at the École Normale Supérieure (Paris), Brown, Princeton, Harvard, Bryn Mawr, the 1998 meeting of the American Society of Legal Historians in Toronto, the New York Classical Club, Johns Hopkins, the Whitney Humanities… Read more

Chapter 1: The Challenge of Court Speech

Chapter 1: The Challenge of Court Speech Few aspects of classical Greek literature are as well preserved as the oratory of the lawcourts of classical Athens. Of the approximately 150 speeches composed by or attributed to the Attic orators who constitute the Canon, about two-thirds were written… Read more