
By Way of Conclusion: Returns to the Present

By Way of Conclusion: Returns to the Present Truth loves to prevail,and all-conquering timealways fosters the deed that is well done Bacchylides 13.204-207 (translation by Campbell 1992:201) Inserted into a poem by Bacchylides which celebrates the victory of an athlete of Aegina in the Nemean games, this aphorism on truth (alḗtheia) which always triumphs with time (khrónos) might well… Read more


Bibliography Adam, J.-M. 1991. Le récit ed. 3. Paris. Adam, J.-M., Lugrin, G., and Revaz, F. 1998. “Pour en finir avec le couple récit/discours.” Pratiques 100:81-97. Aellen, Ch. 1994. A la recherche de l’ordre cosmique. Forme et fonction… Read more

5. Novelistic Features of Epinician Style

5. Novelistic Features of Epinician Style To approach epinikion as a novelistic form of discourse is an effective basis for stylistic description of the genre and for understanding the art form from the perspective of intersubjective objectivity. To be clear at the outset, I identify Pindar’s art… Read more


Conclusion The line outside the bus starts with Iris. Behind her stands the widow of the pastor in Michigan who died after being hit by a car, could Lance write a letter to be read at the funeral? Behind her stand the parents of a… Read more


Appendix This Appendix documents the analysis described in Chapters 3 and 4 above and applied to all of Pindar’s epinikia. The primary purpose of this Appendix is to provide supporting evidence for the arguments presented in Chapters 3 and 4, principally that five ways of epinician speaking—gnôma,… Read more


Bibliography Aloni, A. 1998. Cantare glorie di eroi: Comunicazione e performance poetica nella Grecia arcaica. Turin. Anzai, M. 1994. “First-Person Forms in Pindar: A Re-Examination.” Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 39:141–150. Athanassaki, L. 2004. “Deixis, Performance,… Read more


Preface [In this on-line version, the page-numbers of the printed version are indicated within braces (“{” and “}”). For example, “{69|70}” indicates where p. 69 of the printed version ends and p. 70 begins. These indications will be useful to readers who need to look up references… Read more

1. Defining Homeric Sacrifice

1. Defining Homeric Sacrifice 1.1 Sacrifice and the Homeric Text Rituals are actions performed in a repetitive pattern recognizable to members of a community that act as symbolic markers of the values underpinning a given society. Such actions can be both symbolic and functional, as is… Read more

2. The Ritual Process

2. The Ritual Process The thematic resonance of sacrifice in the Iliad depends on the combination of individual ritual actions, each appropriate to context, which produce a pattern of significance throughout the poem. [1] To better illuminate this pattern, we can catalog… Read more

3. The Gift of Sacrifice

3. The Gift of Sacrifice The post-kill phase of sacrificial ritual can be divided into two categories: gifts for the gods and food for men. [1] Gifts for the gods are proportionately meager in comparison to the feasts enjoyed by the mortal… Read more