

Acknowledgments This work has incurred many debts in the past years, which I gratefully and appreciatively acknowledge; for the work’s shortcomings I alone am responsible. First and foremost, I am immensely indebted to the colleagues who forthrightly informed me of their excavations, placed at my disposal all the necessary information… Read more

1: Edition

Preface The Greeks who on the brink of death took with them to the grave a small gold incised lamella died content, feeling assured that special treatment awaited them in the Underworld. Such a statement is, of course, only a hypothesis, as there is no way to ascertain what the… Read more

2: Commentary on Epistomia nos. 1–12

1: Edition The Gold Epistomia of Crete Nine Incised Archaeological Context for nos. 1–7 The provenance of the seven published epistomia is unknown. Margarita Guarducci, guided by Federico Halbherr’s notes and drawings (IC II.xii [Eleutherna].31, p. 136) and by Domenico Comparetti’s edition (1910:37–41), included nos. 1–3 and 7 in the… Read more

3: The Cretan Epistomia in Context

2: Commentary on Epistomia nos. 1–12 Topography Lamellae nos. 1–7 were recovered from graves in the extensive cemetery to the north-northwest of Eleutherna, the city’s north entrance, but the exact location of their discovery is unknown. Theodoros Triphyllis, Consul of Austria-Hungary in Rethymno came to acquire nos. 1–3 and 7… Read more

4: The Cretan Contexts

3: The Cretan Epistomia in Context The Corpus of the Epistomia: Nature and Classification The engraved lamellae are objects sui generis [1] and appear to defy categorization. In order to expedite the study and understanding of these artifacts, Zuntz attempted to set standards for… Read more

Part III. Commentary

Commentary 10.1ff. The opening lines of this book follow what seems to be a traditional pattern in which a pressing situation causes an inability to sleep, which in turn results in the formulation of a plan of action. We can compare 10.1ff. to the beginnings of Books 2… Read more