
Part 3. The Use and Abuse of Signs

Part 3: The Use and Abuse of Signs 3.1 The Manipulation of Signs in Herodotus’ Histories 3.1.1 Introduction Herodotus’ Histories contain many examples of figures who by a certain ingenuity and cunning manage to turn an unfavorable situation to their own advantage. [1]… Read more


Appendix: The Formality Hypothesis A tradition stretching back to antiquity categorizes the earliest preserved Attic oratory as “dignified,” “formal,” or “austere.” [1] In The Evolution of Greek Prose Style Dover offers the most precise analysis of this feature and seeks to explain… Read more


Bibliography Aly, W. 1969. Volksmärchen, Sage und Novelle bei Herodot und seinen Zeitgenossen. Göttingen. Armayor, O. K. 1978. “Herodotus’ Persian Vocabulary.” Ancient World 1:147–156. Asheri, D. 1989. Erodoto. Le Storie. Libro I . La Lidia e la Persia. Read more


Conclusion The aim of this book has been to offer a systematic and comprehensive presentation of the function of space in the Iliad. To this end, and following Nünning’s theoretical model, four different aspects of space were studied, of which the first two (simple story space and… Read more


Bibliography Aceti, C., D. Leuzzi, and L. Pagani. 2008. Eroi nell’Iliade: personaggi e strutture narrative. Rome. Addison, C. 1993. “From Literal to Figurative: An Introduction to the Study of the Simile.” College English 55:402–419. ———. 2001. “‘So Stretched… Read more


Acknowledgments This book started life as a Ph.D. dissertation, the writing of which I completed largely while seated on a couch with an implacably immobile cat on my lap. These lengthy periods of enforced motionlessness greatly helped concentrate my mind on the text of Herodotus, and I… Read more