
4. Teaching the Creed

4. Teaching the Creed We have seen the rich variety of official positions in the church and considered the construction of a hierarchy as a way to create stakeholders within the Christian community. The higher clergy, especially the bishops, put considerable effort into maintaining their position in… Read more

5. Teaching Liturgy and Performing Theology

5. Teaching Liturgy and Performing Theology Having considered the communal and creedal aspects of Christian initiation, we turn here to the theme of cult and consider the role played by Theodore’s discussion of the liturgy within his catechetical curriculum. The final five sermons in Theodore’s educational program… Read more


Conclusion Theodore’s Catechetical Homilies present his attempt to craft a distinctive Christian paideia and to create initiated Christian citizens. While Nock sees these converts as the norm, MacMullen can hardly imagine that such converts were produced by the early church. Of course, even after receiving this sort… Read more


Bibliography Primary Literature ʿAbdišōʿ. Catalog. Ed.: Assemmani, J. S. 1725. Ebediesu, Enumeratio librorum omnium ecclesiasticorum. BO 3.1:1–362. Rome. Acts of the Council of Chalcedon. Ed.: Schwartz, E. 1932–1938. Acta conciliorum oecumenicorum 2.1–6. Berlin. Trans.: Price, R. and Gaddis, M. 2005. The… Read more


To Anastasia, Lampros, and Sofia-Melanthia Acknowledgments It is my pleasant duty to acknowledge the help of a number of people whose support and encouragement sustained me throughout the time during which this project, first as a thesis and now as a book, took shape. My gratitude… Read more

2. Men and Worms: Permanence and Organic Decay

Chapter 2. Men and Worms: Permanence and Organic Decay Time leaves indelible traces. All organic material, like a ship’s timber, eventually rots. The Greek verb used to describe this process, σήπεσθαι, occurs twice in the context of the decay of mortal flesh. Like the ship wood, heroes’… Read more