
Glossary of Key Greek Words

Glossary of Key Greek Words Greek words are transliterated and given in the forms they have as headwords in LSJ (e.g. heuriskō ‘to find’, literally ‘I find’). Other forms of the same word found in the text are noted under the headword unless they differ significantly. These… Read more


Bibliography Adam, J. 1902. Republic of Plato. 2 vols. London. Adams, H., ed. 1992. Critical Theory Since Plato. Rev. ed. Fort Worth. Annas, J. 1981. An Introduction to Plato’s Republic. Oxford. ———. 1996. “Plato.”… Read more


Acknowledgments For my menfolk, with love I started writing this book when I was a graduate student at the University of Chicago Divinity School. There, I found welcome support for my comparative project, even though the scholarly norm tended increasingly toward highly specialized studies. In my… Read more

Note on Texts and Translations

Note on Texts and Translations The classical sources that I have cited are found in the following editions, unless otherwise specified: The Kauṭilīya Arthaśāstra, ed. and trans. R. P. Kangle, 2nd ed., 2 pts. (Bombay, 1969–1972). Dhvanyāloka of Ānandavardhana, ed. and… Read more

Conclusion. Affirmative and Interrogative Epics

Conclusion. Affirmative and Interrogative Epics So far, I have discussed the Greek and Sanskrit epics largely separately. In Chapters 1 and 2, I examined the ways in which the Greek poems and their Sanskrit counterparts classified themselves, and I considered the effects that the reclassification of each… Read more