CHS Fellows news | Angella Cinalli awarded the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship

We are pleased to share that Angela Cinalli (MA in Classics, University “G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti; PhD in History and Philology of the Ancient World, “La Sapienza” University of Rome) won the 2018 Marie Skłodowska Curie Global Fellowship with the project Ptanois Posin, in collaboration with the Department of Classics of “Sapienza” University of Rome and the Center for Hellenic Studies. Pursuing the study of itinerant professionals of literature and music in the epigraphic sources of the Hellenistic period, the project aims to capture multiple glimpses of the Hellenistic performative panorama, while providing a reassessment of the ongoing discourse on cultural production of this period. Through a collaboration with the CHS, an online presence of this project will be developed, in order to narrate and display the paths, endeavors, and careers of the so-called “poeti vaganti”.

Dr. Cinalli’s research interests include Greek inscriptions, Hellenistic literature and culture, and Cyrenaican history, archaeology, and epigraphy. For several years, she taught at the Italian Liceo Classico and, since 2015, she has been employed at the State Liceo of Humanities. As a former fellow at the Center for Paleographical and Epigraphical Studies (The Ohio State University, 2013) and at the CHS (2014), and thanks to the AIEGL Research Grant held at the University of Crete (2018), she carried out several key-aspects of her project on the poeti vaganti. The project’s numerous themes revolving around music also benefit from her artistic education pursued at the Conservatorio di Musica “Santa Cecilia” of Rome. As an epigraphist, Angela joined the archaeological missions of the University “G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti in Cyrenaica and Cyprus, where her expertise in Greek paleography (Specialization at the Vatican School of Paleography) was put to good use. She is author of “Τὰ ξένια. La Cerimonia di Ospitalità Cittadina” (Roma 2015) and of several contributions on various aspects of the poeti vaganti research, on the Greek funerary inscriptions of Cyrene, and on newly-found epigraphic materials from Cyrenaica and Cyprus.