CHS Online Open House | Pindar’s Poetics of Homecoming, with Maša Ćulumović

We are pleased to welcome back Maša Ćulumović, CHS Fellow, as a guest for a discussion on Pindar’s Poetics of Homecoming. The event will take place on Thursday, November 15, at 11:00 a.m. EST, and will be recorded.

The main focus passages for this discussion are:

  • the whole of Olympian 5
  • Olympian 1.1–24
  • Olympian 9.1–20
  • Pythian 11.1–16

although it might be helpful to read them all in full.

You might also be interested in reading the commentary on Olympian 5 by Maša Ćulumović, published in Classical Inquiries.

You can watch the event on the CHS Kosmos website or on the CHS YouTube channel.

Maša Ćulumović

Maša Ćulumović is a Fellow in Pindaric Studies at the Center for Hellenic Studies. She is currently working on A Pindar Commentary in Progress, a digital CHS publication, which she is co-editing with Gregory Nagy. She has previously held positions at Furman University, University of Puget Sound, Miami University, and Brandeis University, and was a Postdoctoral Researcher directing an EU-funded project Poetics of Space in Ancient Greek Victory Odes. She has published on Pindar and is an editor of the CHS Classics@ volume on Ancient Lyric Poetry as well as a co-editor and a contributor to the proceedings of the Logic of Lists workshop to be published in the next Classics@ issue. Her ongoing project is the study of poetics of space, geography, and landscape in ancient epinicians.