CHS Online Open House | Theognis, earwax and the end of the Lelantine War, with Natasha Bershadsky

We are pleased to welcome Natasha Bershadsky, Fellow in Ancient Greek History at the Center for Hellenic Studies, for an Online Open House discussion on the Lelantine War, which she describes as “an ancient conflict between Chalcis and Eretria, two neighboring cities on the island of Euboea, over the Lelantine plain, situated between them.”
The event will be streamed live on Thursday, October 4, at 11 a.m. EDT, and will be recorded.
Before the event you might like to read these  focus passages (PDF handout)
You can watch the event on the CHS Kosmos website or on the CHS YouTube channel.

Natasha Bershadsky

Natasha Bershadsky is a Fellow in Ancient Greek History at the Center for Hellenic Studies. She received her PhD degree from the University of Chicago. Her book in preparation explores ritual and mythological aspects of long-running border conflicts in Archaic Greece and their creative transformations by the democracies of the Classical period. Her other project is an investigation of Hesiod’s hero cults, their connection to Hesiodic poetry and their political use in the Archaic and Classical periods. Her publications include “A Picnic, a Tomb and a Crow: Hesiod’s Cult in theWorks and Days,” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 106 (2011) 1–45