CHS Open House Discussion | Odyssey or the Return of a Song, with Ioanna Papadopoulou

We are pleased to welcome Ioanna Papadopoulou, from the Centre de philosophie ancienne de l’université libre de Bruxelle, for our next CHS Open House discussion with members of the Hour 25 and CHS community on Thursday, September 18 at 11 a.m. EDT.
Papadopoulou will guide a discussion on “Odyssey or the Return of a Song.” To prepare for this conversation, please read the following brief but important documents:
Synopsis of Talk with Focus Passages (Odyssey 1.336-355; 23.300-353)
Summary of article by Charles de Lamberterie on asmenos, by Ioanna Papadopoulou
Members of Hour 25 can start and continue conversations associated with this event on this thread in the Hour 25 Lyceum.
You can watch the event on the Google+ page, or below.

Ioanna Papadopoulou is the E.U. Fellow in Multi-Disciplinary Research/IT and Publications at the Center for Hellenic Studies and an Associate at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (PHI/ Groupe de Philosophie ancienne et médiévale).  She is the Editor of the CHS-iMouseion Project and of the CHS-Derveni Papyrus Project (with L. Muellner and G. Nagy). She is the author of Le Chant de Pénélope (Paris, Belin, 1994). She is the editor of Pensées Présocratiques, II and III, Revue de philosophie ancienne (2005,2 – 2006, 1). She has co-edited recently (together with L. Muellner) a volume on the Derveni Papyrus (Poetry as Initiation. The Center for Hellenic Studies Symposium on the Derveni Papyrus, Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University, 2014).
Picture credit: Odysseus Overcome by Demodocus’ Song, Francesco Hayez, Wikimedia Commons