CHS Visiting Scholar | Bruce Robertson, Associate Professor of Classics at Mount Allison University

April 16th-20th, 2016

robertson_headshotThis week, Dr. Bruce Robertson, Associate Professor of Classics at Mount Allison University, will be staying at the CHS and using the library. Currently, Dr. Robertson works on the optical character recognition (OCR) of text images that contain Ancient Greek texts. His website, Lace, includes hundreds of public-domain texts digitized through his techniques, texts that can now be accessed by people worldwide. His goal at the CHS is twofold: the first objective is to examine the library’s collection of Ancient Greek texts in order to devise improvements to OCR processes. His second objective at the CHS is to plan out improvements to his OCR website: to make its data editable; and to provide it with a full-featured search capability. To do this, Dr. Robertson plans  to add significant semantical applications to the underlying database and related texts.

While at the CHS, Dr. Robertson is looking forward to exchanging ideas with his colleague and current fellow Neel Smith, whose field of expertise pertain directly to his project. He also looks forward to discussing his project with other fellows of like-minded scholastic pursuit.

Dr. Robertson is visiting under a grant, awarded to scholars around the world that could benefit from access to the Center’s library resources and from consulting and working with fellows on a short-term basis. The CHS is currently accepting applications for visits from January 27th to May 29th, 2016. To learn more, visit the CHS website.