Classical Inquiries | A sampling of comments on Iliad Scroll 5

In his recent Classical Inquiries posting, Gregory Nagy focuses on Iliad Scroll 5 and shares a sampling of selected comments with his readers. Nagy’s commentary will be incorporated into a larger, forthcoming project: A Homer commentary in progress.

tagging: best of the Achaeans; aristeiā ‘epic high point’; plot of the Iliad; narrative arc
This verse shows that the hero Diomedes has a chance to qualify as ‘the best of the Achaeans’, aristos AkhaiōnBA 30. In the long run, however, in line with the plot or narrative arc of the Iliad as we have it, Diomedes fails to qualify. Still, his greatest epic moments in the Homeric Iliad are traditionally known as hisaristeiā, which I translate here as ‘epic high point’. [[GN 2016.07.28 via BA 30.]]

“Aeneas and Diomedes.” Wenceslaus Hollar (Bohemian, 1607–1677). Image via Wikimedia Commons.
“Aeneas and Diomedes.” Wenceslaus Hollar (Bohemian, 1607–1677). Image via Wikimedia Commons.

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