CorHaLiEThe Center for Hellenic Studies favors a conference format that puts a strong emphasis on ongoing scholarly contact during preparatory phases. The aim is to make conference meetings a moment of well- prepared exchanges of views, based on prior sharing of resources and drafts. A digital environment offers the ideal medium for this kind of collaborative scholarly work, since it allows for mature reflection and acceleration of the publication process. The CorHaLiE website section is an instantiation of this working principle on the CHS website.
Since 1989 the Classics Department of Harvard University – and since 2006 the Center for Hellenic Studies – have been engaged in the CorHaLiE annual transatlantic meeting of scholars and PhD students. The acronym CorHaLiE refers to the universities participating in the conference, a group that now includes Cornell University, Harvard University, Université de Lille III , Princeton University, Université de Lausanne, and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales – Paris. More on the CorHaLiE circle here. Recognizing the importance of this transatlantic biennial meeting as a locus of innovative, open and intergenerational scholarly debate, the CHS will host the CorHaLiE Virtual Working Environment.
The architecture of the site is designed as follows :
Poétique d’Aristophane et langue d’Euripide en dialogueClaude Calame
Introduction : poétiques grecques en réseau (Cornell, Harvard, Lausanne, Lille, Princeton)
David Bouvier
Frank Müller
Martin Steinrück
Olivier Thévenaz
Maria Vamvouri-Ruffy
Pierre Voelke