Electronic Publishing Guidelines

Electronic Publishing Guidelines

The CHS welcomes proposals for web-based projects in any field of Hellenic Studies, particularly those that are interdisciplinary, innovative, or collaborative, and from younger scholars. Especially welcome are proposals for issues of Classics@ and the Center’s On-Line Discussion Series. We encourage authors to conceive of their projects in terms of electronic publication and to consider the different ways of presenting research the electronic environment can provide. Proposals for electronic publications should be sent to the CHS Executive Editors, Casey Dué (casey@chs.harvard.edu) and Mary Ebbott (ebbott@chs.harvard.edu).

All contributors to the CHS web site agree to the following:

1) The CHS offers contributors mutually non-exclusive rights of electronic publication of all material on the web site. That is, authors or editors may reproduce or publish in other venues any material that they contribute to the CHS web site.

2) Once a project, article, or book has been published by the CHS on its web site, it cannot be removed at the request of the author or editor.

3) The content of various projects may at times be updated, revised, and/or redesigned to meet the changing needs of the web site as a whole, as well as to keep up with scholarship in the field.

4) The authorship and editorship of individual contributions will be recognized and acknowledged on the CHS web site, and instructions for the citation of web publications will be provided to readers.

Note: All web-based publications are subject to the editorial review of the CHS.