Questions, Contexts, Echoes
Thursday, April 7 | 8:30am – 2:15pm EDT
Friday, April 8 | 8:30am – 3:15pm EDT
Saturday, April 9 | 8:30am – 3:00pm EDT
Taking place 2500 years after the battle of Plataea, this interdisciplinary conference on the battle brings together researchers to examine key problems connected to the battle, its multiple contexts, and its ancient and modern reverberations. The battle of Platea, remarkable for its scale at the time, was arguably the decisive event of the Greco-Persians wars. Its description forms a capstone of Herodotus’ Histories.
The battle’s stunning array of different people of the Achaemenid Empire, including troops from the Greek city-states who chose the Persian side; the outstandingly broad if unstable alliance of the Greek city-states that gathered in opposition; the complexity of the battle’s landscape; the battle’s events, impacted by chance and confusions; the outsized role of oracles and sacrifices; the variant traditions and their contestation of roles of different agents in the battle’s outcome; the rituals, monuments, and poetry that preserved and reshaped the memories of the battle through time: all this constitutes the battle of Plataea in its vivid difficulty.
Please join us in examining the history of the ancient battle, as our own world considers the meanings of freedom and slavery, cooperation and neutrality, tyranny and democracy, the terror of annihilation and the striving for victory.
Paul Bardunias, Hans Beck, Natasha Bershadsky, Paul Cartledge, Michael Charles, Paul Christesen, Fernando Echeverría Rey, Samuel Gartland, John Hyland, Giannis Kadoglou, Yannis Kalliontzis, K. Scarlett Kingsley, Roel Konijnendijk, Marcello Lupi, Sean Manning, Margaret Miller, Sonya Nevin, Ian Oliver, J. Z. van Rookhuijzen, Adam Schwartz, Christopher Tuplin, Shane Wallace, David Yates
Thursday, April 7
08:30am – 09:20am | Greetings and Introduction: the questions of the battle of Plataea |
09:30am – 11:45am | The things of the battle: topography, archaeology, iconography |
12:30pm – 2:15pm | The words of the battle: Herodotus and others |
Friday, April 8
08:30am – 10:15am | A view from Sparta |
10:30am – 12:15pm | A view from Thebes |
1:00pm – 3:15pm | A view from Persia |
Saturday, April 9
08:30am – 10:45am | The Fighting |
11:20am – 2:30pm | The memories |
2:30pm – 3:00pm | Conclusion |