Fellowship Application primary

Fellowship Application Information 2011-12

fellowship_appThe application for 2011-12 is now closed. Please check back in August 2011 for information about the next application cycle.

The Center for Hellenic Studies offers fellowships to scholars working on the ancient Greek world in all its varieties. The most eligible fields of research include archaeology, art history, epigraphy, history, literary criticism, philology, philosophy, pedagogical applications, reception, and interdisciplinary studies.

All fellows, regardless of the duration of their fellowship, receive an appointment for the academic year with full access to the resources of the Harvard library system. Fellows receive varying levels of support and reside at the Center for up to two weeks, or for a semester, or even for the full academic year (September through May), depending on the scope and needs of their proposed projects.

Fellowships with a residency for the academic year include a stipend, housing at the Center, and subsidized health insurance. The stipend (maximum $34,000) is adjusted for individual circumstances, such as the number of dependents accompanying the fellow and the amount of support from other sources. Additional support (up to $1,000) is available for professional travel and other research expenses. The Center will also assist with the fellows’ travel expenses to and from Washington.

Fellowships with a residency for a semester include a stipend, housing at the Center, and subsidized health insurance. The stipend (maximum $17,000) is adjusted for individual circumstances, such as the number of dependents accompanying the fellow and the amount of support from other sources. Additional support (up to $1,000) is available for professional travel and other research expenses. The Center will also assist with the fellows’ travel expenses to and from Washington.

Fellowships with a residency for up to two weeks include housing at the Center and a $5000 allowance for professional travel and other research expenses. (Fellows may divide their residencies by spending one week at the Center during the fall semester and another in the spring, or they may come for a continuous two-week period.)

As members of the scholarly community at the Center, all fellows will regularly document the evolution of their projects and share their work in progress. Fellows will present the outcomes of their research and solicit feedback through (1) online publication and (2) a webcast symposium to be held in the spring.


Prerequisites for fellowships are a Ph.D. degree (or its equivalent) and professional competence in ancient Greek studies as documented by published work. The principal requirement of the application is a detailed but brief research proposal (no more than 1,000 words).

Criteria Used in the Awarding of Fellowships

The purpose of the fellowship program is to encourage and support scholarship of the highest quality on ancient Greek civilization. It also aims to develop and support a network of scholars, placing emphasis on the collaborative and interdisciplinary nature of the field of Hellenic Studies. Of vital interest to the Center is the goal of fostering interaction among scholars from diverse backgrounds and regions of the world. To that end, each cohort of fellows will include scholars not only from the United States, but also from abroad.

The Center will fund proposals that (a) show scholarly promise as indicated by the merits of the project, (b) demonstrate the capability of the researchers to achieve the proposed outcomes as reflected in their academic records, prior publications, and supporting letters, and (c) achieve results that will have a broad impact both on the immediate field and on the humanities in general.

The Center will give preference to proposals that outline clearly and in detail how a fellowship and the appropriate duration of residency at the Center can enable the proposed research and contribute to its completion and application.

The Center welcomes proposals from scholars who are at a point in their careers when access to the resources of the Center and its interactions with other fellows are critical to the successful outcome of their research agenda. The Center rigorously supports the principles of affirmative action and equal opportunity in the selection of fellows.

The Center encourages proposals that will take full advantage of its unique working environment. In addition to conventional proposals to conduct research on topics for which the collection of resources at the Center is especially well suited, the Center seeks to support proposals that would benefit from the close collaboration of a team of two or more scholars. Such a team could propose to work in residence during the same fellowship year or during consecutive years. (For projects that involve a team of fellows, each member of the team should submit an individual application, with cross-reference to the other members, and describe the collaborative nature of the project in the proposal.) Also, as one of the leading supporters of research on the development and use of digital information in the humanities, the Center is particularly interested in proposals that use and advance information technologies in the study of the ancient Greek world.

Application Information

The deadline for submissions is October 22, 2010. Recommendation letters are due by October 29, 2010.

For the 2011–2012 academic year the Center will accept applications and supporting materials only through the online process. The electronic application is available at https://apply.embark.com/grad/harvard/hellenic/22/.

Applicants should prepare the following materials to be submitted electronically:
1. A detailed, but brief research proposal (no more than 1,000 words)
2. A curriculum vitae
3. A sample of published work in PDF format (no more than 50 printed pages)

Applicants will also need to provide biographical information in the online application form as well as the names and contact information for three recommenders. It is the applicants’ responsibility to ensure that their recommenders are willing and able to submit their letters to the CHS through the online system.

Please direct all correspondence regarding applications to the CHS fellowships team. Be sure to consult the FAQ pages for applicants and for recommenders.