Previous Fellows

Former CHS Postdoctoral Fellows in Hellenic Studies are listed alphabetically by last name, with the academic year of their appointment noted. Alternatively, the list is accessible in chronological order along with information about the fellows’ projects.


Benjamin Acosta-Hughes, USA, 2001
Peter Agócs, USA, 2015
Gianfranco Agosti, Italy, 1995
Simona Aimar, Italy, 2019
Annetta Alexandridis, Germany, 2005
Anna Alexandropoulou, Greece, 2022
Seemee Ali, USA, 2014
Emily Allen-Hornblower, France/USA, 2013
Davide Amendola, Italy, 2018
Anne Amory, USA, 1964
Milena Anfosso, Italy, 2020
Afroditi Angelopoulou, Greece, 2021
Julia E. Annas, UK, 1983
Carla Antonaccio, USA, 1995
O. Kimball Armayor, USA, 1970
Richard Armstrong, USA, 2017
M. Rosemary Arundel, UK, 1967
Rodney Ast, USA, 2015
Carol Atack, UK, 2019
Lucia Athanassaki, Greece, 2018
Apostolos N. Athanassakis, USA, 1976
Polymnia Athanassiadi, Greece,1979
Joachim Aufderheide, Germany, 2016
J. Norman Austin, USA, 1968
Harry C. Avery, USA, 1963
Mary Bachvarova, USA, 2017
Nathan Badoud, Switzerland, 2016
Chun Xiao Bai, China, 2016
Dominic Bailey, UK, 2009
Egbert J. Bakker, Netherlands, 1992
Chloe Balla, Greece, 1999
Jack M. Balcer, USA, 1969
Han Baltussen, Netherlands,1996
Emily Baragwanath, New Zealand, 2009
Harry R. Barnes, USA, 1993
Francisco Barrenechea, Mexico, 2015
Klaus E. L. Bartels, Germany, 1966
Elizabeth Baughan, USA, 2010
Manuel Baumbach, Germany, 2001
Hans Beck, Germany, 2001
K. Paul Bednarowski, USA, 2012
Klaas Bentein, Belgium, 2017
Ann L. T. Bergren, USA, 1976
Andrea Berlin, USA, 1996
Sylvia Berryman, UK/Canada, 2001
Nicolas Bertrand, France, 2018
Gábor Betegh, Hungary, 2000
Richard Arnot Bett, UK, 1994
Michele Bianconi, Italy, 2022
Zachary Biles, USA, 2004
Jon-Christian Billigmeier, USA,1979
Joshua Billings, USA, 2015
Peter Bing, USA, 1984
Kate Birney, USA, 2014
Joseph Bjelde, USA, 2023
David J. Blackman, UK, 1968
Sandra Blakely, USA, 2000
Alastair J.L. Blanshard, Australia, 2002
Daniel R. Blickman, USA, 1986
Lawrence J. Bliquez, USA, 1977
Henry J. Blumenthal, UK, 1975
Mary Whitlock Blundell, UK, 1991
Christopher Bobonich, USA, 1995
István Bodnár, Hungary, 1994
Liliane M. J. Gh. Bodson, Belgium, 1978
Deborah Boedeker, USA, 1976
Marcelo Boeri, Argentina, 1999
Anna Bonifazi, Italy, 2002
Osmund Bopearachchi, Sri Lanka, 1988
Timothy Boyd, USA, 1998
R. Bracht Branham, USA, 1986
Cedric Brelaz, Switzerland, 2015
Jan N. Bremmer, Netherlands, 1980
Carlo Brillante, Italy, 1991
Pascale Brillet-Dubois, France, 2008
Cecilie Brøns, Denmark, 2017
Manon Brouillet, France, 2018
Edwin L. Brown, USA, 1972
Malcolm S. Brown, USA, 1969
Gerald M. Browne, USA, 1973
Rachel Bruzzone, USA, 2022
Alessandro Buccheri, Italy, 2021
Gregory Bucher, USA, 2000
Friedemann Buddensiek, Germany, 2002
Felix Budelmann, Germany, 2006
Glenn R. Bugh, USA, 1983
Emiliano Buis, Argentina, 2012
Penelope Bulloch, UK, 1976
Ilaria Bultrighini, Italy, 2012
Alison M. Burford, UK, 1965
Peter H. Burian, USA, 1980
Walter Burkert, Germany, 1965
Bryan Burns, USA, 2011
Patrick Burns, USA, 2022


Stefano Caciagli, Italy/Switzerland, 2012
Christopher K. Callanan, USA, 1987
Marta Capano, Italy, 2022
Andrea Capra, Italy, 2011
Edwin M. Carawan, USA, 1989
Jan-Mathieu Carbon, Canada, 2016
Naomi Carless Unwin, UK, 2015
David Carlisle, USA, 2012
Gabriela Carone, Argentina, 2004
Aurelie Carrara, France, 2013
Jean-Claude Carrière, France, 1962
Cristina Carusi, Italy, 2011
Anne Carson, Canada, 1983
Albio C. Cassio, Italy, 1983
Victor Caston, USA, 1998
Claire Catenaccio, USA, 2023
Vanessa Cazzato, Italy/UK, 2013
Paola Ceccarelli, Italy, 1998
David Charles, UK, 1985
Maria Choleva, Greece, 2022
Olga Christakopoulou, Greece, 2024
Joel Christensen, USA, 2013
Stylianos Chronopoulos, Greece, 2016
Helena Cichocka, Poland, 1986
Angela Cinalli, Italy, 2013
Robert Cioffi, USA, 2019
Christina Clark, USA, 1999
Diskin Clay, USA, 1969
Jenny Strauss Clay, USA, 1978
Diane Cline, USA, 2018
Miriam Clinton, USA, 2017
Susan G. Cole, USA, 1979
Derek Collins, USA, 2003
James Collins, USA, 2013
Henry Steele Commager, Jr., USA, 1963
W. Robert Connor, USA, 1963
Christy Constantakopoulou, Greece, 2014
Erwin Cook, USA, 1997
Denis J. Corish, Eire, 1977
Gabriele Costa, Italy, 1999
Nadia Coutsinas, France, 2013
Gregory Crane, USA, 2020
Eric G. Csapo, Canada, 1993
Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet, France, 2006
Helen Cullyer, UK, 2006
Patricia Kenig Curd, USA, 1990
Martine Cuypers, Netherlands, 2004
Ortwin Dally, Germany, 2002
Anca Cristina Dan, France/Romania, 2012
Madalina Dana, Romania, 2014
John K. Davies, UK, 1961
Aileen Das, USA/UK, 2019
Andrea Debiasi, Italy, 2011
Casper C. de Jonge, Netherlands, 2008
Diana Delia, USA, 1991
Francesca Dell’Oro, Switzerland/Italy, 2017
Denise Demetriou, USA/Cyprus, 2020
Mary J. Depew, USA, 1993
Filippo Canali de Rossi, Italy, 2004
Synnove des Bouvrie, Norway, 2011
Waltraut Desch, Austria, 1982
Daniel T. Devereux, USA, 1977
Marieke Dhont, Belgium, 2021
Eleanor Dickey, USA, 2002
Beate Dignas, Germany, 2001
Helma Dik, Netherlands, 1996
Eirini Dimitriadou, Greece, 2022
Margherita Maria F. R. G. Di Nino, Italy, 2008
Bruce Elliot Donovan, USA, 1971
Eugen Dönt, Austria, 1965
Charles Doyen, Belgium, 2015
Thomas Drew-Bear, USA, 1972
Robert H. Drews, USA, 1966
Boris Dreyer, Germany, 2003
Casey Dué, USA, 2004
Timothy Duff, UK, 2004
Anne Duncan, USA, 2006
Alain Duplouy, Belgium, 2018
Sylwester Dworacki, Poland, 1973
Maria Dzielska, Poland, 1980


Benjamin Earley, UK, 2018
Kathy H. Eden, USA, 1982
Walter Eder, Germany, 1981
Radcliffe G. Edmonds III, USA, 2007
Anthony T. Edwards, USA, 1986
Eyjólfur Kjalar Emilsson, Iceland, 1990
Michael Erler, Germany, 1987
Christoph Eucken, Germany, 1981
Gianfranco Fabiano, Italy, 1970
Sylvian Fachard, Switzerland, 2011
Christos Fakas, Greece, 2006
Eva Falaschi, Italy, 2021
Yannis Fappas, Greece, 2016
Christopher A. Faraone, USA,1991
Douglas D. Feaver, USA, 1967
Nancy Felson-Rubin, USA, 1981
Chiara Ferella, Italy, 2017
Sarah Ferrario, USA, 2009
Stefan Feuser, Germany, 2014
Thomas J. Figueira, USA, 1982
Elizabeth Ann Fisher, USA,1974
Rebecca Flemming, UK, 2005
Lucia Floridi, Italy, 2008
Georgia Flouda, Greece, 2014
Michael A. Flower, USA, 1990
Staffan Fogelmark, Sweden, 1973
Thorsten Fögen, Germany, 2005
Andrew Ford, USA, 1989
Björn Forsén, Finland, 2000
Alexander Forte, USA, 2023
Bettie Forte, USA, 1967
William W. Fortenbaugh, USA, 1967
Ryan Fowler, USA, 2014
John Franklin, USA, 2005
Dorothea Frede, USA, 1984
Hermann Funke, Germany, 1971


Michael Gagarin, USA, 1972
Yannis Galanakis, Greece, 2012
Thomas W. Gallant, USA, 1988
Robert Garland, UK, 1985
Jennifer Gates-Foster, USA, 2011
C. Thomas Gelzer, Switzerland, 1966
Aimee M. Genova, USA/Italy, 2020
Maria Gerolemou, Cyprus, 2022
Zina Giannopoulou, Greece, 2008
John Gibert, USA, 1999
Reginald Gibbons, USA, 2011
Ricardo Ginevra, Italy, 2019
John Glucker, UK, 1971
Jose Gonzalez, Spain, 2010
Herwig C. Görgemanns, Germany, 1967
Woldemar E. H. Görler, Germany, 1966
Allan Gotthelf, USA, 1979
Paula Gottlieb, UK, 1992
John P. A. Gould, UK, 1962
Volker Grieb, Germany, 2009
Frederick T. Griffiths, USA, 1975
Nikolay Grintser, Russia, 2000
Anne H. Groton (Assoc. Jr. F.), USA, 1985
Augusto Guida, Italy, 1979
Dieter Gunkel, USA, 2020
Marc Domingo Gygax, Spain, 2004
David E. Hahm, USA, 1968
Edith Hall, UK, 2011
Jonathan Hall, UK, 1998
Charles D. Hamilton, USA, 1973
Dean Hammer, USA, 1999
Johanna Hanink, USA, 2023
Jason Harris, USA, 2016
F. David Harvey, UK, 1967
Eleni Hasaki, USA/Greece, 2018
Michael W. Haslam, UK, 1975
Johannes Haubold, Germany, 2010
Greta Hawes, New Zealand, 2016
Miriam Hecquet-Devienne, France, 2001
Ian Hensley, USA, 2021
Alexander Herda, Germany, 2007
Miguel Herreo de Jauregui, Spain, 2009
Julia Heskel, USA, 1993
Todd Hickey, USA, 2010
William E. Higgins, USA, 1977
Zena Hitz, USA, 2008
Regina Höschele, Germany, 2010
Gail Hoffman, USA, 2001
Geneviève Hoffmann, France, 1990
Karl-Joachim Hölkeskamp, Germany, 1991
Lora Holland, USA, 2009
Alexander Hollmann, South Africa, 2004
Jens Holzhausen, Germany, 2000
Samuel Holzman, USA, 2024
Yurie Hong, USA, 2013
Phillip Sidney Horky, USA, 2010
Nicolaos Hourmouziades, Greece, 1966
Yang Huang, China, 2013
Sarah C. Humphreys, UK, 1971
Peter Hunt, USA, 1999


Kyriaki Ioannidou, Cyprus, 2023
Leopoldo Iribarren, Venezuela, 2011
Elizabeth Irwin, USA, 2008
Paulin Ismard, France, 2012
Askold Ivantchik, Russia, 1996
Peter Jackson, Sweden, 2002
Paul Siegfried Jäkel, Germany, 1974<
Dylan James, New Zealand, 2024
Mark Janse, Netherlands, 2013
Laura Jansen, UK, 2023
Thomas Jenkins, USA, 2006
Theodora Jim, UK, 2019
Thomas Johansen, Denmark, 1998
Steven Alann Johnstone, USA, 2000
Brian Joseph, USA, 2013
Lawrence J. Jost, USA, 1982
Sara Kaczko, Italy, 2012
Donald Kagan, USA, 1966
Ahuvia Kahane, Israel, 1993
Lisa Kallet-Marx, USA, 1991
Yannis Kalliontzis, Greece, 2019
Konstantinos Kalogeropoulos, Greece, 2009
Eric Kansa, USA, 2014
Lutz Käppel, Germany, 1992
Antonios Kapsomenos, Greece, 1978
Andromache Karanika, USA, 2009
Constantine Karathanasis, Greece, 2024
Sergei Karpyuk, Russia, 1998
Stella Katsarou, Greece, 2023
Andreas Katsouris, Cyprus, 1979
Vanda Kazanskiene, Lithuania, 1993
Nikolai N. Kazanky, Russia, 1992
John N. Kazazis, Greece, 1982
John J. Keaney, Jr., USA, 1962
Evan Keeling, USA, 2022
Sean Kelsey, USA, 2001
Paul Keyser, USA, 1996
David Keyt, USA, 1974
Patricia Eunji Kim, USA, 2024
Bruce King, USA, 2004
K. Scarlett Kingsley, USA, 2019
Athena Kirk, USA, 2016
Thomas Koentges, Germany, 2017
Alexander L. W. Kleinlogel, Germany, 1968
Silke Knippschild, Germany, 2004
Mait Kõiv, Estonia, 2021
Joanna Komorowska, Poland, 2002
Christoph Konrad, Germany, 1994
Louis Aryeh Kosman, USA, 1975
Elizabeth Kosmetatou, Greece/Belgium, 2001
Paul Kosmin, UK, 2015
Georgios Kostopoulos, Greece, 2021
Marina Kotzamani, Greece, 2018
Stavros Kouloumentas, Greece, 2015
Rachel Kousser, USA, 2010
Paul David Kovacs, USA, 1981
Daniel Kranzelbinder, Switzerland, 2023
Richard Kraut, USA, 1980
Jadwiga Kubinska, Poland, 1977
Masaaki Kubo, Japan, 1962
Ann Kuttner, USA, 1997
Bernhard Kytzler, Germany, 1964


Katerina Ladianou, Greece, 2018
André Laks, France, 1987
Sophie Lalanne, France, 2005
Anna Lamari, Greece, 2013
Stephen Lambert, UK, 1995
Robert D. Lamberton, USA, 1982
Jessica Lamont, USA, 2023
Lena Lembrinou, Greece, 2017
Franziska Lang, Germany, 1998
Volker Langholf, Germany, 1977
Julie Laskaris, USA, 2003
Amy Lather, USA, 2019
Pierre Laurens, France, 1965
Peter Lautner, Hungary, 1996
Don Lavigne, USA, 2010
Gilbert Lawall, USA, 1963
Anne Lebeck, USA, 1965
Andrei V. Lebedev, USSR, 1989
Wolfgang Dieter Lebek, Germany, 1972
Kevin H. Lee, Australia, 1984
Mireille Lee, USA, 2005
Mitzi Lee, USA, 1999
Jean Lempire, Belgium, 2017
Ted Lendon, USA, 1999
James G. Lennox, Canada, 1983
Guiseppe Lentini, Italy, 2008
Jeffrey Lerner, USA, 2000
James H. Lesher, USA, 1982
Walter Leszl, Italy, 1969
Mariska Leunissen, Netherlands, 2010
Virginia Lewis, USA, 2016
Max Leventhal, UK, 2022
Alexandra Lianeri, Greece, 2017
Beatrice Lienemann, Germany/Switzerland, 2013
Astrid Lindenlauf, Germany, 2006
Alessandro Linguiti, Italy, 1997
Enrico Livrea, Italy, 1986
Steven H. Lonsdale, USA, 1990
William Loomis, US, 1994
Polly Low, UK, 2006
Walther Ludwig, Germany, 1962
Christoph Lundgreen, Germany, 2018
John Lundon, Canada/Italy, 2004
Marcello Lupi, Italy, 2005
Michael Lurje, Russia, 2005
Maria Jagoda Luzzatto, Italy, 1989
Suzanne Lye, USA, 2021
John Patrick Lynch, USA, 1976
Deborah Lyons, USA, 1996
Diego Machuca, Argentina, 2011
Mary M. A. Mackenzie, UK, 1984
Naoise Mac Sweeney, UK, 2016
Arthur Madigan, S.J., USA, 1985
Irad Malkin, Israel, 1990
Francesco Mambrini, Italy, 2012
Consuelo Manetta, Italy, 2012
Evi Margaritis, Cyprus, 2019
John Marincola, USA, 1999
Minor M. Markle III, USA, 1976
Jim Marks, USA, 2012
Anna Marmodoro, Italy, 2012
Emeline Marquis, France, 2013
Hubert Martin, Jr., USA, 1962
Thomas R. Martin, USA, 1981
Elena Martin Gonzalez, Spain, 2013
Raquel Martin-Hernandez, Spain, 2013
David Martinez, USA, 1997
Tomás Calvo Martinez, Spain, 1975
Paraskevi Martzavou, Greece, 2023
Laura Massetti, Italy, 2017
Ivan Matijašić, Croatia, 2023
Kjeld Matthiessen, Germany, 1968
Marsh H. McCall, Jr., USA, 1968
Lisa Maurizio, USA, 20233
Richard McKim, Canada, 1985
Michiel Meeusen, Belgium, 2016
Constance C. Meinwald, USA, 1992
Samuel Meister, Switzerland, 2023
Jorgen Mejer, Denmark, 1972
Mariamaddalena Melfi, Italy, 2012
Henry Mendell, USA, 1988
Irwin L. Merker, USA, 1970
Stefan Merkle, Germany, 1996
Elizabeth Ann Meyer, USA, 1997
Christian Mileta, Germany, 1999
Patrick Lee Miller, USA, 2008
Andrew M. Miller, USA, 1981
Margaret Miller, Canada, 1994
Francoise Mirguet, Belgium, 2012
Robin N. Mitchell-Boyask, USA, 1993
Deborah K. Modrak, USA, 1981
Emese Mogyoródi, Hungary, 2003
Astrid Möller, Germany, 1998
Robert J. Mondi, USA, 1986
Sara Monoson, USA, 2011
Christopher Moore, USA, 2015
John David Moore, USA, 1971
John Michael Moore, UK, 1970
Timothy Moore, USA, 2018
Helen Morales, UK, 1998
Kathryn Morgan, Canada, 1995
Anna Morpurgo, Italy, 1961
Ian Morris, UK, 1989
Donald Morrison, USA, 1994
Alexander P. D. Mourelatos, USA, 1973
Ian Mueller, USA, 1977
Melissa Mueller, USA, 2009
William C. Mullen, USA, 1977
Mark H. Munn, USA, 1992
Sheila H. Murnaghan, USA, 1984
Domenico Giuseppe Muscianisi, Italy, 2019
Joannis Mylonopoulos, Greece, 2007


Fred Naiden, USA, 2009
Maria Nasioula, Greece, 2016
Attila Németh, Hungary, 2018
Sebastiana Nervegna, Italy, 2014
Harry M. Neumann, USA, 1965
Boris M. Nikolsky, Russia, 2002
Anne-Sophie Noel, France, 2015
Maria Noussia, Greece, 2007
Dirk Obbink, USA, 1993
Josiah Ober, USA, 1989
Peter O’Connell, USA, 2019
Roland Oetjen, Germany, 2007
Daniel Ogden, UK, 1997
Barbara Olsen, USA, 2011
S. Douglas Olson, USA, 1994
Ilay Ors, Turkey, 2023
Corinne Pache, USA/Switzerland, 2003
Pierre Pachet, France, 1964
Jessica Paga, USA, 2018
Alaya Palamidis, Greece, 2024
Dmitri V. Panchenko, Russia, 1993
Nikolaos Papadimitriou, Greece, 2016
Nassos Papalexandrou, Greece, 2001
Nikolaos Papazarkadas, Greece, 2010
Alexandra Pappas, USA, 2011
Arum Park, USA, 2012
Douglass S. Parker, USA, 1961
Kostas Paschalidis, Greece, 2018
Ioanna Patera, Greece, 2012
Cynthia Patterson, USA, 1988
Richard Patterson, USA, 1978
Stephanie Paul, Belgium, 2014
Carlo O. Pavese, Italy, 1964
Maria Pavlou, Cyprus, 2013
Charles Pazdernik, USA, 2005
Jan Pecirka, Czechoslovakia, 1964
Sarah Peirce, USA, 1996
Manuela Pellegrino, Italy, 2019
Caterina Pello, Italy, 2022
John J. Peradotto, USA, 1972
Jacques Peron, France, 1971
Zacharoula Petraki, Greece, 2014
Andrej Petrovic, Serbia, 2009
Ivana Petrovic, Serbia, 2009
Beatrice Pestarino, Italy, 2023
Georg Petzl, Germany, 1986
Rachele Pierini, Italy, 2019
Alexis Pinchard, France, 2010
Adrià Piñol-Villanueva, Spain, 2017
Ryan Platte, USA, 2011
Michael Poliakoff, USA, 1984
Roberto Polito, Italy, 2000
Anne-Valerie Pont, France, 2013
Elizabeth Potter, UK, 2014
Timothy Power, USA, 2006
Catherine Pratt, USA, 2017
Anthony W. Price, UK, 1989
Cashman Kerr Prince, USA, 2007
Jonathan Price, Israel, 1997
Theodora Hadzisteliou Price, Greece, 1970
Philomen Probert, UK, 2006
Pietro Pucci, Italy, 1970
Alex Purves, UK, 2005
Alberto Quiroga-Puertas, Spain, 2014


Kurt A. Raaflaub, Switzerland, 1976
Paul A. Rahe, USA, 1980
Tessa Rajak, UK, 1980
Lisa Raphals, USA, 2021
Sara Rappe, USA, 1997
Jeremy Rau, USA, 2008
Hunter R. Rawlings III, USA, 1975
Kenneth J. Reckford, USA, 1961
Bryan Reece, USA, 2018
Charles M. Reed, USA, 1982
Maurice P. Rehm, USA, 1989
Heather Reid, USA, 2018
Linda Collins Reilly, USA, 1974
Florian Réveilhac, France, 2022
Martin Revermann, Germany, 2000
Gretchen Reydams-Schils, Belgium, 2000
Joshua Reynolds, USA, 2009
Peter J. Rhodes, UK, 1978
Nicholas J. Richardson, UK, 1980
Daniel Richter, USA, 2008
Marijana Ricl, Serbia, 1997, 2018
Werner Riess, Germany, 2007
Joe Rife, USA, 2008
Alice Swift Riginos, USA, 1983
Deborah H. Roberts, USA, 1983
David B. Robinson, UK, 1966
Julius Rocca, Australia, 2004
Evan Rodriguez, USA, 2021
Hanna M. Roisman, Israel, 1985
Joseph Roisman, Israel, 1985
Allen J. Romano, USA, 2010
Frank E. Romer, USA, 1984
Jamie Romm, USA, 1999
Timothy Rood, UK, 2019, 2022
Emilio Rosamilia, Italy, 2019
Charles Brian Rose, USA, 1996
David Rosenbloom, USA, 1998
Andrei A. Rossius, USSR, 1991
Andrea Rotstein, Israel, 2011
Christopher Rowe, UK, 1974
Carl A. Rubino, USA, 1974
Joseph A. Russo, USA, 1965
Ian Rutherford, UK, 1992
Suzanne Saïd, France, 1972
Ricardo Salles, Mexico, 2003
Athanasios Samaras, Greece, 2002
Kirk Sanders, USA, 2005
Maria Giovanna Sandri, Italy, 2023
Norman Sandridge, USA, 2010
Ernst Sandvoss, Germany, 1965
Henrique Modanez de Sant Anna, Brazil, 2012
Thomas Sapsford, UK, 2023
Adele C. Scafuro, USA, 1987
Theodore Scaltsas, Greece, 1987
Sebastian Scharff, Germany, 2016
Dirk M. Schenkeveld, Netherlands, 1966
Hermann S. Schibli, Germany, 1988
Sven Schipporeit, Germany, 2015
Francesca Schironi, Italy, 2006
Karin Schlapbach, Switzerland, 2010
Joel Schlosser, USA, 2016
Pauline Schmitt-Pantel, France, 1987
Gerhart Schneeweiss, Germany
Peter Scholz, Germany, 2003
Franz Ferdinand Schwarz, Austria, 1971
David Schur, USA, 2001
Thomas Schwertfeger, Germany, 1980
Dominic Scott, UK, 1998
Gustav A. Seeck, Germany, 1967
Gunnar Seelentag, Germany, 2009
Charles P. Segal, USA, 1967
Bernd Seidensticker, Germany, 1973
Karolina Sekita, Poland, 2021
Pavlos Sfyroeras, Greece, 2003
Timothy Shea, USA, 2022
Julia Shear, USA and Greece, 2021
Cynthia W. Shelmerdine, USA, 1981
Susan C. Shelmerdine, USA, 1985
Kim Shelton, USA, 2017
Susan Mary Sherwin-White,UK, 1976
David Shive, USA, 1988
Peter Siewert, Germany, 1974
Gregory M. Sifakis, Greece, 1964
Juha Sihvola, Finland, 1994
Rohan Sikri, USA, 2022
Allan Silverman, USA, 1988
Jeremy Simmons, USA, 2023
Helene Simoni, Greece, 2024
Matthew Simonton, USA, 2019
Peter Simpson, UK, 1991
Rachel Singpurwalla, USA, 2007
Ioanna Sitaridou, Greece, 2015
Anna Sitz, USA, 2017
Mali Skotheim, USA, 2023
Niall W. Slater, USA, 1987
William J. Slater, UK, 1964
Simon R. Slings, Netherlands, 1984
Ineke Sluiter, Netherlands, 1994
Mae J. Smethurst, USA, 1979
Joshua Smith, USA, 2018
Neel Smith, USA, 2015
Peter M. Smith, USA, 1983
Tyler Jo Smith, USA, 2011
Wesley D. Smith, USA, 1968
Deborah Sneed, USA, 2024
Thea Sommerschield, Italy and UK, 2021
Joshua Sosin, USA, 2002
Emidio Spinelli, Italy, 1995
Jennifer Stager, USA, 2021
Hans-Peter Stahl, Germany, 1961
Zoe Stamatopoulou, Greece, 2016
Caroline Stark, USA, 2015
Walter Stockert, Austria, 1985
Charles Stocking, USA, 2012
Michael C. Stokes, UK, 1963
Charlotte L. Stough, USA, 1971
Riccardo Strombino, Italy, 2023
Julia Sturm, USA, 2024
Laura Swift, UK, 2009
Anders Sydskjør, Norway, 2023
Jan Szaif, Germany, 2001
Thomas A. Szlezák, Germany, 1975


Sarolta Anna Takács, USA, 2000
Melina Tamiolaki, Greece, 2013
Oliver P. Taplin, UK, 1970
Leonardo Tarán, Argentina, 1963
James Tatum, USA, 1978
Claire Taylor, UK, 2010
Håkan Tell, Sweden, 2008
Nikola Theodossiev, Bulgaria, 2009
Rosalind Thomas, UK, 1994
Lukas Thommen, Switzerland, 1995
Erich Thummer, Austria, 1963
Steven S. Tigner, USA, 1972
Stefan Tilg, Austria, 2007
Stephen Todd, UK, 1995
Mark Toher, USA, 1987
Yun Lee Too, UK/Canada, 1997
Daniel P. Tompkins, USA, 1973
Kathryn Topper, USA, 2011
Alexandra Trachsel, Switzerland, 2007
Kai Trampedach, Germany, 2001
Monika Trümper, Germany, 2003
Roger Travis, USA, 2002
Yvona Trnka-Amrhein, USA, 2019
Christos Tsagalis, Greece, 2013
Kyriakos Tsantsanoglou, Greece, 1969
Georgia Tsouni, Greece, 2018
Mark Usher, USA, 2010, 2017
Paul Vadan, Canada, 2022
John Vaio, USA, 1969
Jan Max van OpHuijsen, Netherlands, 1992
David van Schoor, South Africa, 2022
John Van Sickle, USA, 1974
Hans Van Wees, Netherlands, 1998
Michiel van Veldhuizen, Netherlands, 2024
Máté Veres, Hungary, 2023
Philip Venticinque, USA, 2012
Gertjan Verhasselt, Belgium, 2021
Anne-Marie Vérilhac, France, 1963
Alexander Verlinsky, Russia, 2002
Carlo Vessella, Italy, 2014
Alexandra Villing, Germany, 2024
Irini Viltanioti, Greece, 2017
Eirene Visvardi, Greece, 2012
Konstantinos Vlassopoulos, Greece, 2019
Emmanuel Voutiras, Greece, 1990
Sofia Voutsaki, Greece, 2022


Marc J. C. Waelkens, Belgium, 1978
Saro Wallace, UK, 2015
John Walsh, USA, 1986
Alex Walthall, USA, 2017
Tarik Wareh, USA, 2009
Matthew Waters, USA, 2011
Marek Wecowski, Poland, 2005
Erika Weiberg, USA, 2019
Ingomar Weiler, Austria, 1969
Roslyn Weiss, USA, 1990
Peter Westervelt, USA, 1964
Krystyna Weyssenhoff, Poland, 1968
William Whallon, USA, 1962
Nicholas P. White, USA, 1975
David Whitehead, UK, 1988
Christian Wildberg, Germany, 1995
Garry Wills, USA, 1961
Donna Wilson, USA, 2004
Jessica Wissman, Germany, 2003
Barbara Witucki, USA, 2012
Victoria Wohl, USA, 1998
Christian Wolff, USA, 1970
Roger Woodard, USA, 2018
Paul B. Woodruff, USA, 1978
Nancy Worman, USA, 2002
Xiaoqun Wu, China, 2009
Jed Wyrick, USA, 2018
Maria Xanthou, Greece, 2014
Juping Yang, China, 2013
Uri Yiftach-Firanko, Israel, 2007
Kenneth Yu, USA, 2022
Harvey E. Yunis, USA, 1993
Mantha Zarmakoupi, Greece, 2012
Alexei V. Zadorojnyi, UK, 2007
Graciela Zecchin de Fasano, Argentina, 2013
Donald Zeyl, Canada, 1979
Wei Zhang, China, 2012
Leonid Zhmud, Russia, 1995
Ronald A. Zirin, USA, 1973