Go to 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
Gábor Betegh (Hungary)
The Derveni Papyrus
Sandra Blakely (USA)
Daimones, metals and models: An anthropology of production in the Greek Daimonic myths
Gregory Bucher (USA)
Appian of Alexandria: A re-evaluation of his life, work, and cultural context
Björn Forsén (Finland)
Agios Elias of Asea: An unknown regional Arcadian sanctuary
Nikolay Grintser (Russia)
Aristotle’s Poetics: Summing up the previous views on poetry
Jens Holzhausen (Germany)
The Naasene Tract: Philological and historical commentary
Steven Alann Johnstone (USA)
A history of trust in classical Greece
Jeffrey Lerner (USA)
The Greeks in the Hellenistic Far East
Roberto Polito (Italy)
Aenesidemus and the ancient sceptical tradition
Martin Revermann (Germany)
Catastrophe continued: Receptions of Euripidean tragedy in antiquity
Gretchen Reydams-Schils (Belgium)
Stoic meditation: The self as mediator
Sarolta Anna Takács (USA)
Religious traditions and cultural aesthetics: The case of the Greco-Roman cult statues
Benjamin Acosta-Hughes (USA)
Cantat Alexandria: Hellenistic reception of archaic lyric
Manuel Baumbach (Germany)
Commentary on Chariton
Hans Beck (Germany)
Mirrors of an elite: Plutarch’s mid-Republican lives
Sylvia Berryman (U.K./Canada)
Attraction and the power of the void
Beate Dignas (Germany)
Spoilt for Choice? Or: What makes a cult important? Religious activities of urban and rural elites in the Greek East
Miriam Hecquet-Devienne (France)
L’histoire intellectuelle de la Tradition de la Metaphysique d’Aristote
Gail Hoffman (USA)
Imitations and adaptations: Greek transformations of Near Eastern art
Sean Kelsey (USA)
Two arguments for the existence of Plato’s forms
Elizabeth Kosmetatou (Greece/Belgium)
The votive offerings in the Delian inventory lists
Nassos Papalexandrou (Greece)
Tripods and rituals: The technology of human and divine authority in ancient Greek culture
David Schur (US)
Plato’s literary strategy of indirect narration
Jan Szaif (Germany)
Peripatetic conceptions of Eudaimonia and the natural objects of human desire
Kai Trampedach (Germany)
Greek divination and Greek politics from Homer to Alexander
Alastair J.L. Blanshard (Australia) University of Sydney
The rule of rhetoric: Athenian forensic performance and its social dynamics
Anna Bonifazi (Italy) Harvard University/University of Turin
Pragmatics of the lyric performance
Friedemann Buddensiek (Germany) University of Frankfurt
Aristotle on artifacts
Ortwin Dally (Germany) German Archaeological Institute
“Preservation of Monuments” in the Hellenistic and Roman imperial age
Eleanor Dickey (USA) University of Exeter
The practice of obfuscation by ancient Greek writers
Peter Jackson (Sweden) Univeristy of Tromsø
Dioscurica and the roots of the Trojan Cycle
Joanna Komorowska (Poland) Akademii Pedagogicznej w Krakowie
Vettius Valens and the Anthologiarum libri
Boris M. Nikolsky (Russia) Russian State University of Humanities
Antiochus of Ascalon and Hellenistic ethics
Athanasios Samaras (Greece) George Washington University
The political Socrates
Joshua Sosin (USA) Duke University
A possession for all time: Perpetual endowments in the ancient world
Roger Travis (USA) University of Connecticut
Tragic identification and poetic education in 5th century Athens
Alexander Verlinksy (Russia) University of Saint Petersburg
Ancient ideas of the origin and development of culture
Nancy Worman (US) Columbia University
The rhetor’s mouth: Character assassination and oral imagery in Athenian public performance
Dimitrios Yatromanolakis (Greece) Johns Hopkins University
Society in contest: Poetic and musical competitions in the Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic Eras
Derek Collins (USA) University of Michigan
Rationalizing Greek magic
Boris Dreyer (Germany) Universität Göttingen
The cities of Asia Minor is the age of the last two Attalids and during the was between Rome and Aristonikos-The dossier of metropolis
Julie Laskaris (USA) University of Richmond
The exotica of the ancient Greek pharmacopia and the cross-cultural transmission of expertise
Emese Mogyoródi (Hungary) Szegedi Tudományegyetem
Xenophanes, Parmenides, and the conception of ontology in early Greek philosophy
Corinne Pache (USA/Switzerland) Yale University
Divine desire
Ricardo Salles (Mexico) National Autonomous University of Mexico
Epictetus on moral responsibility and the psychology of action
Peter Scholz (Germany) University of Frankfurt
The Greek citizen as “Educated Man”-Status, expansion, and representation of higher intellectual education in Hellenistic times
Pavlos Sfyoeras (Greece) Middlebury College
The feast of poetry: Sacrifice and performance in Aristophanic comedy
Monika Trümper (Germany) University of Heidelburg
The sea-borne commerce of late Hellenistic Delos. An archaeological study of the commercial topography
Jessica Wissman (Germany) University of Iowa
Homer in Greek education
Zachary Biles (USA) Franklin & Marshall College
Aristophanes and the Poetics of Competition
Gabriela Carone (Argentina) University of Colorado at Boulder
Creating Happiness: Luck, Pleasure, and the Excellent Life in Plato’s Laws
Martine Cuypers (Netherlands) Trinity College, Dublin
Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 2
Filippo Canali de Rossi (Italy) Liceo Scientifico Talete
Hellenism Beyond the Euphrates: A Documentary Approach
Casey Dué (USA) University of Houston
The Captive Woman’s Lament in Greek Tragedy
Timothy Duff (UK) University of Reading (Fall)
Classicism, Text and History in Roman Greece: Plutarch’s Life of Alcibiades
Marc Domingo Gygax (Spain) Princeton University
Benefaction and Rewards: Greek Euergetism from its Origins to the Hellenistic Age
Alexander Hollmann (South Africa) University of Puget Sound
The Curse Tablets of Antioch
Bruce King (USA) Columbia University (Spring Semester)
Contexts of Empedoklean Wandering
Silke Knippschild (Germany) Technische Universitaet Dresden
Spoils and Iconoclasm: The Role of Art in Creating and Destroying Identities, First Millennium B.C.
John Lundon (Canada/Italy) University of Cologne
Homer Papyri from Vienna
Julius Rocca (Australia) University of Birmingham
Autopsia, Anatomy, and the Development of Anatomical Science: Towards a Philosophy of the Body in Late Antiquity
Donna Wilson (USA) Brooklyn College
The Strength-Intelligence Opposition in Greek Epic and Indo European Myth and Poetics
Annetta Alexandridis (Germany) Rostock University, Germany
Shifting Species: The Iconography of Metamorphosis and Zoophilia from the Archaic to the Early Hellenistic Period
Rebecca Flemming (Great Britain) King’s College London (Fall Semester)
Prognosis and Prophecy in Classical Medicine
Thorsten Fögen (Germany) Humboldt-Universität – Berlin
Technical, Non-Verbal, Animal and Gender-Specific Communication in Graeco-Roman Antiquity
John Franklin (USA) University of Vermont
The Middle Muse: Mesopotamian Echoes in Archaic Greek Music
Sophie Lalanne (France) l’Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
Being Roman in the Greek Cities of Asia Minor under the Roman Empire (from Augustus to Antonine)
Mireille Lee (USA) Macalester College, Minnesota
Social Meanings of Feminine Dress in Ancient Greece
Marcello Lupi (Italy) Seconda Universita’ Degli StuiI di Napoli
The Segmentation of the Spartan Citizen Body
Michael Lurje (Russia) University of Göttingen
Encounter between Pagan Philosophers and Christians in the Third and Fourth Centuries A.D.
Charles Pazdernik (USA) Grand Valley State University
HO DOULOS TOU BASILEOS: the Master-Slave Metaphor and the Construction of Elite Identity in Late Antiquity
Alex Purves (Great Britain) University of California – Los Angeles
Bodies of Gods: Corporeality and Divinity in Archaic Greek Epic
Kirk Sanders (USA) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Natural Passions: An Epicurean Theory of Emotions
Marek Wecowski (Poland) University of Warsaw (Spring Semester)
Enhancing the Fatherland: History of a Greek Idea
Felix Budelmann (Germany) The Open University
Edition with commentary of a selection from Greek lyric
Helen Cullyer (Great Britain) University of Pittsburgh
Reevaluating to kalon in Aristotle’s Ethics
Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet (France) Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Artemisia and the Greeks: Politics and Gender Identities in Ancient Greece
Anne Duncan (USA) University of Nebraska
Tyranny and Theater in Ancient Greece
Christos Fakas (Germany) University of Hamburg
Comedy and Satyric Drama: Typology and History of an Intertextual Relationship
Thomas Jenkins (USA) Trinity University
American Classics: Transformations of Antiquity in Postwar America
Astrid Lindenlauf (Germany) The German Archaeological Institute at Athens
Athens: Urban Development and City Walls
Polly Low (Great Britain) University of Manchester
Political Speech and Political Writing in Fourth-century BC Athens
Timothy Power (USA) University of Washington, Seattle
The Sound of the City: Cultural Acoustics in Classical Athens
Philomen Probert (Great Britain) University of Oxford
Relative Clauses in Greek
Francesca Schironi (Italy) Harvard University
Aristarchus of Samothrace
Radcliffe G. Edmonds III (USA) Bryn Mawr College
Redefining Ancient Orphism: A Study in Ancient Greek Religion
Alexander Herda (Germany) Freie Universität Berlin
Agora and Townplanning of Miletus before and after the Persian Wars
Joannis Mylonopoulos (Greece) Universität Erfurt
Images of the Gods: The visual construction of the divine in Ancient Greece
Maria Noussia (Greece) Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio”, Chieti
Crates of Thebes: Text, Translation and Commentary
Roland Oetjen (Germany) Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik (Spring Semester)
The Honorary Decree for Protogenes and the History of Olbia in the Hellenistic Period
Cashman Kerr Prince (USA) University of Southern California
The Poetics of Deixis in Sappho and Alcaeus
Werner Riess (Germany) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Social Drama of Violence in Fourth-Century BCE Athens- A Cultural History of Civic Violence
Rachel Singpurwalla (USA) Southern Illinois University
The Metaphysics and Psychology of Unity in Plato’s Ethics
Stefan Tilg (Austria) Universität Bern (Fall Semester)
Poetics in the Ancient Novel
Alexandra Trachsel (Switzerland) Université de Neuchâtel
Online Edition ofthe Fragments of Demetrius of Scepsis
Uri Yiftach-Firanko (Israel) The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Legal Documents from Egypt: The Choice of the Document
Alexei V. Zadorojnyi (UK) University of Liverpool
Images of Literacy in Greco-Roman Literature
Pascale Brillet-Dubois (France) Université Lumière-Lyon 2
Construction and Destruction of Meaning in Euripides’ Trojan Women
Margherita Maria F.R.G. Di Nino (Italy) Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
Epitaphios Bionos: Text and Commentary
Lucia Floridi (Italy) Independent Scholar (Spring Semester)
The Epigrams oj Lucillius: Text and Commentary
Zina Giannopoulou (Greece) University of California, Irvine
Reading Plato’s Theaetetus as a Second Apology
Zena Hitz (USA) University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Plato and Aristotle on the Rule of Law
Elizabeth Irwin (USA) Columbia University (Fall Semester)
Herodotus and the Later Fifth Century: A Study of Book 3
Casper C. de Jonge (Netherlands) Leiden University (Fall Semester)
Myth, Memory, and Models of Identity. Mythological Exempla in Greek Tragedy
Giuseppe Lentini (Italy) Università di Siena
The Notion of Sema in Ancient Greece
Patrick Lee Miller (USA) Duquesne University
Becoming God: Pure Reason in Ancient Greek Philosophy
Jeremy Rau (USA) Harvard University
The “Aeolicization” of Homeric Language
Daniel Richter (USA) University of Southern California (Spring Semester)
Lucian’s Past: Classicism, Atticism, and Identity in the Second Century CE
Joseph Rife (USA) Macalester College
Burial, Ritual, and Memory in Roman Greece and Asia Minor
Håkan Tell (Sweden) Dartmouth College
Counterfeiting Philosophy
Dominic Bailey (UK) University of Colorado, Boulder
Carving along the Joints: Ancient Theories of Concepts
Emily Baragwanath (New Zealand) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Imagining Xenophon’s Women
Sarah Ferrario (USA) The Catholic University of America
Athens ‘the Great’? The Ascendancy of the Individual in Classical Greece
Volker Grieb (Germany) Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg (Non-residential)
The Greek city-state in the first century B.C.: polis-society between Hellenistic tradition and Roman domination
Miguel Herrero de Jauregui (Spain) Universidad Complutense (Spring Semester)
The Epic Framing of Greek Religious Experience
Lora Holland (USA) University of North Carolina, Asheville (Non-residential)
A new approach to syncretism in the cults for Artemis and Diana
Konstantine Kalogeropoulos (Greece) Independent Scholar (Non-residential)
Concepts of ritual practice and sacrifice in Attica from the Mycenaean until the early Hellenistic period
Andromache Karanika (USA) University of California, Irvine
Transformations of Genre: Performance at Work, Performances about Work
Melissa Mueller (USA) University of Massachusetts
Objects as Actors: The Dramatic Life of Things in Attic Tragedy
Fred Naiden (USA) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Non-residential)
Smoke signals for the gods
Andrej Petrovic (Serbia) Durham University
Greek Metrical Sacred Regulations
Ivana Petrovic (Serbia) Durham University
Greek Metrical Sacred Regulations
Joshua Reynolds (USA) University of Texas, Austin
The Nod of Zeus: Signs, Limits and Power in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature
Gunnar Seelentag (Germany) University of Cologne
A Cultural History of Crete in the Archaic Period
Laura Swift (UK) University of Oxford (Non-residential)
Sappho: a commentary with introduction and translation
Nikola Theodossiev (Bulgaria) American Research Center in Sofia, Bulgaria (Non-residential)
The Thracian painted tomb at Alexandrovo
Tarik Wareh (USA) Union College
The Lost Years: Literary Competition, Philosophy, and Politics in the Generation after Plato and Isocrates
Xiaoqun Wu (China) Fudan University (Fall Semester)
Ancient Greek Rituals and Family Life during the Classical Period