Previous Fellows 2020-2029

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Milena Anfosso (Italy) Independent Researcher — Fall 2020
Entwining Greek with Asian Speech: Timotheus of Miletus’ The Persians 140-161

Alessandro Buccheri (Italy) Centre Anhima and excellence cluster Hastec (Paris) — Spring 2021
A Poetic Botany? Archaic and Classical Poetical Traditions in Theophrastus’ Historia Plantarum

Gregory Crane (USA) Tufts University — Fall 2020
Ancient Greek and Digital Philology

Denise Demetriou (USA and Cyprus) University of California, San Diego — Fall 2020
Phoenicians Among Others: How Migration and Mobility Transformed the Ancient Mediterranean

Marieke Dhont (Belgium) University of Cambridge — Spring 2021
Greek Poetry, Jewish Poets: Contextualizing Jewish Writings as Post-Classical Literature

Aimee Genova (USA and Italy) University of Chicago — Fall 2020
In Times of War and Crisis: Regional Identities and Greek Archaeology

Dieter Gunkel (USA) University of Richmond — Fall 2020
Tonal Ochlophobia in Greek: The Sotēra Rule and the Grave Accent

Ian Hensley (USA) East Tennessee State University — Spring 2021
The Foundations and Structure of Ancient Stoic Physics

Jennifer Stager (USA) Johns Hopkins University — Spring 2021
Deliverance from Pain: The Visual Arts of Early Medicine


Afroditi Angelopoulou (Greece) University of Southern California — Fall 2021
The Body and the Senses in Greek Tragedy

Michele Bianconi (Italy) University of Oxford — Spring 2022
“Ex Oriente Lux?” Of Gods, Men, and Stories Between Greece and Anatolia

Patrick Burns (USA) University of Texas at Austin — Spring 2022
Extending Classical Language Toolkit’s Ancient Greek Tools and Resources

Eirini Dimitriadou (Greece) Independent Researcher — Spring 2022
Classical Athens: The Topographical Development of the City from the Late Archaic to the Late Classical Period (480-330 B.C.)

Eva Falaschi (Italy) Independent Researcher — Spring 2022
Fragmented (Art)words. The Fragments of Greek Art History: Reconstruction and Roman Reception

Evan Keeling (USA) University of São Paulo — Spring 2022
Color in Greek Philosophy

Mait Kõiv (Estonia) University of Tartu — Fall 2021
People and Their Leaders: The Transformation of Aegean Society and Political Structures During the Early Iron Age and Archaic Era (12th-6th Centuries BCE)

Georgios Kostopoulos (Greece) Independent Researcher — Fall 2021
The History of *ty and *ky in Greek

Suzanne Lye (USA) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill — Fall 2021
To Starve and To Curse: Women’s Anger in Ancient Greek Literature and Magic

Caterina Pello (Italy) University of St Andrews — Spring 2022
Presocratic Philosophers on Life and Death: Ancient Origins of a Modern Debate

Lisa Raphals (USA) University of California, Riverside — Fall 2021
Body, Mind and Spirit in Early China and Greece

Florian Réveilhac (France) French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)— Spring 2022
Lycian Names in Greek Sources: A Morphological Study

Evan Rodriguez (USA) Idaho State University — Fall 2021
Rivals or Relatives? Tracking Truth and Ways of Knowing among Plato and the Sophists

Timothy Rood (UK) University of Oxford — Spring 2022
The End of the Histories: Land, Wealth, and Empire in Herodotus in collaboration with K. Scarlett Kingsley

Karolina Sekita (Poland) University of Oxford — Fall 2021
Conceptualisations of the Dead and After-Death in Greek Thought of the Archaic and Classical Periods

Julia Shear (USA and Greece) American School of Classical Studies at Athens — Fall 2021
Creating Collective Memories in Ancient Athens

Thea Sommerschield (Italy and UK) University of Oxford — Fall 2021
Machine Learning for the Study of Ancient Epigraphic Cultures

Gertjan Verhasselt (Belgium) LMU Munich — Fall 2021
The Fragments of Aristotle’s Constitutions

Sofia Voutsaki (Greece) University of Groningen — Spring 2022
The North Cemetery at Ayios Vasileios, Laconia: Integration and Interpretation