Homer Multitext Components: Project Components

Project Components

The Homer Multitext currently publishes images of five of the oldest Medieval manuscripts of the Iliad with scholia and a growing library of editions of Homeric papyri, as well as links to Multitext related scholarship. Please visit http://www.homermultitext.org in order to access all data and the latest information about the project. 

The following Multitext-related resources have also been developed with the collaboration of the Stoa Consortium:

Domenico Comparetti, Homeri Ilias cum Scholiis (1901 facsimile edition of Venetus A)

Casey Dué, “Achilles’ Golden Amphora in Aeschines’ Against Timarchus and the Afterlife of Oral Tradition

Gregory Nagy, Homeric Questions

Gregory Nagy (trans.), The Epic Cycle as summarized by Proclus

Homer and the Papyri

Jean Baptiste Gaspard D’Ansse de Villoison, Homeri Ilias cum Scholiis (1788)