We are excited to announce “Individual Developments and Systemic Change in Philology,” an update by Gregory Crane on several interrelated projects forging the future of Classical texts in the digital age. This article is available alongside the Open Greek and Latin project, from CHS Digital Humanities.
This paper … takes note of a number of events that have taken place in the opening months of 2018 and that have some connection to, but also depend upon efforts outside of, the Digital Humanities Chair at Leipzig. Each taken separately is important. All of these events taken together reflect a broader, systemic change—and change for the better—in Ancient Greek and Latin philology in particular and, ultimately, for all philology.
All scholarship reflects the particular point of view that one or more authors articulate at a particular time and in a particular context. This paper refers to rapidly changing work, and the field will continue to evolve. Discussing in written form the state of this evolution at particular points in time is important not only to spur further thought in the present but also to document events for the future.
–Gregory Crane