New Sessions of Projects | Join us!

Now is an opportunity to get involved with the latest season of community-based projects.
Please note that times are currently in EDT, and from November 6 are in EST. The clocks change on different dates in different countries!

Attic Greek

There are currently three study groups, all following Hansen & Quinn Greek: An Intensive Course, with the guidance of the videos recorded by Leonard Muellner and Belisi Gillespie. These groups meet via Google+ Hangout to talk through the grammatical learning points and to go over and compare notes on Drills and Exercises together. Everyone who has been doing this finds it very helpful to have study partners!
Current groups are:

  • Atticans—nearly completed Unit 8. Meet Wednesdays and Fridays at 11 a.m. EDT/EST and alternate Thursdays at 12 noon.
  • Arkadians—nearly completed Unit 7, and will shortly be working through the Review for Units 4–7. Meet Mondays and Fridays at 9 a.m. EDT/EST.
  • Philomathians—completed Unit 5. Meet Mondays at 10 a.m.EDT/EST.

In addition, we are about to start another study group for new beginners, which will meet Mondays at 11 a.m. EDT/EST.
Facilitators are Hélène Emeriaud, Olexandr Gerasymov, Janet M. Ozsolak, and Sarah Scott.
There is also the opportunity to take part in the weekly Office Hours sessions with Leonard Muellner (Wednesdays at 9 a.m. EDT/EST. The next group of four meetings will start on Wednesday, October 26.
If you would like to take part in any of these groups or to start learning Greek, please indicate your interest inthis forum thread.

Digital Philology | Euripides

This project meets via Google+ Hangout on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. EDT/EST and works collaboratively on shared documents.
So far the group has read Helen and Medea. The next drama will be Hecuba (also known as Hekabe), starting on Wednesday, October 12 at 1 p.m. EDT.
During the meetings the group, led by Jack Vaughan, read closely and discuss passages from the play, with careful reference to the Greek. During the week, team members use digital search techniques to find instances of words, and conduct their own small studies—for example, of words or groups of words related in meaning, or themes—which are shared with the group.
If you would like to take part, or would like to know more, please post here in the forum. You can also request help with using the online search tools.
You can find the text in Greek and in English on Perseus, here.


There have been three “heroization” projects so far, in which community members, with guidance from a mentor such as Leonard Muellner, work intensively and collaboratively to find all instances of the Core Vocab words in a given text, then add them to a chosen free translation, adjusting the terminology for greater consistency with the Sourcebook. For the last two projects several members have also been participants in the Digital Philology project which involved the same plays, but it is not a prerequisite for taking part in a “heroization” workshop.
The next text will be Hecuba, probably in January 2017. If you are interested in finding out more, please post in the forum here. You can also request help with using the online search tools.